Alphabetical List of Saints
Alphabetical List of Saints Starting with the Letter A
Adalbert of Prague
Adela of Blois
Ado of Vienne
Adrian of Canterbury
Agatha of Sicily
Agnes of Montepulciano
Agnes of Rome
Ailbe of Emly
Albert Chmielowski
Albert the Great
Alexius of Rome
Aloysius Gonzaga
Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception
Alphonsus Liguori
Alphonsus Rodríguez
Amalburga of Maubeuge
Ambrose of Milan
Andrew Avellino
Andrew Kim Taegon
Andrew the Apostle
Angela Merici
Angela of Foligno
Angela of the Cross
Anne and Joachim
Anthony Mary Claret
Anthony Mary Gianelli
Anthony Mary Zaccaria
Anthony of Egypt
Anthony of Padua
Apollinaris The Apologist
Athanasia of Aegina
Athanasius of Alexandria
Augusta of Treviso
Auguste Chapdelaine
Augustine of Hippo
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