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November 10

St Andrew Avellino - November 10

Saint Andrew Avellino
Priest, Founder
(1521 – 1608)

“One cannot separate the most Holy Eucharist from the Passion of Jesus.

Saint Andrew Avellino

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life

Andrew was born in Castronuovo, Sicily in 1521. He was baptized Lorenzo (and called Lancellotto by his mother). As a young man, he pursued his studies in humanities and philosophy in Venice, Italy. Following this, Andrew earned a Doctorate in civil and ecclesiastical (canon) law in Naples, Italy. Being a handsome youth, his chastity was often exposed to danger from female admirers, and to escape their importuning he took ecclesiastical tonsure.

Ordained Priest

At the age of 26, Andrew was ordained into the priesthood. He was a good lawyer; in fact, too good. Too late, Andrew realized that legal arguments so filled his heart and mind that it weakened his love of meditation and prayer. The gravity of the situation struck home when he actually lied during the course of a pleading. His conscience then got the best of him when, tradition holds, his eyes came across the Scripture verse “a lying mouth destroys the soul (Wisdom 1:11).” He felt deep remorse and renounced his position, giving up the practice of law. From that point forward, Andrew resolved to give himself up entirely to the penitential life.

After this period as a canon lawyer, he was entrusted by his archbishop with the reform of Sant’Arcangelo convent in Baiano, Italy. Here, Andrew was assaulted, severely wounded, and nearly killed by those opposing his reforms. He was brought to the monastery of the Theatines to recuperate. Here, he received care and was greatly impressed by their way of life.

Founded Theatine Houses

So, in 1556 at the age of 35, Andrew joined the Theatine Clerks Regular in Naples, taking the name Andrew to honor the crucified Apostle. He worked with great success because he was an effective preacher and zealous missioner. Andrew served as Master of Novices for ten years.

Eventually, Andrew became Superior of the Order at the Naples house and was known for his efforts to improve the quality of priests. Andrew’s influence reached beyond his religious community. He founded Theatine houses in Milan and Piacenza, Italy, and lent his support in establishing others.

Among his disciples was Lorenzo Scupoli, author of The Spiritual Combat. Andrew was much in demand as a confessor, keeping up an extensive religious correspondence. He developed a friendship with Saint Charles Borromeo (who was then Bishop of Milan), serving as his trusted advisor.

Additionally, Andrew was recognized for his writing and extensive correspondence. His letters were published in 1731 at Naples in two volumes, and his other ascetical works were published three years later in five volumes.

Andrew returned to Naples in 1582 and spent the rest of his life ministering to the spiritual needs of his people and converting many. His eloquent preaching and gift for spiritual direction attracted many people back to the Catholic Church.

His Death

Sadly, while celebrating Mass, Andrew suffered a stroke and passed away in his 88th year, on November 10, 1608, in Naples, Italy. His remains lie buried in the Church of San Paolo Maggiore in Naples.

Legends surrounding his death claimed that his blood bubbled and liquefied, leading some to believe that he had been buried alive due to his catatonic state. However, a papal investigator later dismissed these claims as lacking credibility.

His representation often depicts a priest dying in front of an altar.

Born:                   1521 in Castronuovo, Sicily, Italy

Died:                    November 10, 1608 in Naples, Italy

Beatified:            October 14, 1624 by Pope Urban VIII

Canonized:         May 22, 1712, by Pope Clement XI

Feast Day:          November 10

Patron Saint:    Against Apoplexy; Against Paralysis; Against Strokes; Against Sudden Death; Naples, Italy; Sicily, Italy; Stroke Victims



Saint Andrew Avellino’s spirituality was deeply rooted in prayer and penance. He believed that a close relationship with God was essential for anyone seeking to lead a holy life. His devotion to the Eucharist and his practice of frequent confession were central to his spiritual regimen.

Can you today get spiritual nourishment at a daily mass and/or reconciliation with God through confession for your continuous pursuit of spiritual growth?


Saint Andrew Avellino,

You, who suffered a sudden death and are the Patron of those suffering from strokes and sudden death.

Pray for us, that we may be protected from all harm,

And that we may be prepared to meet our Lord at the end of our earthly journey.

Through your intercession, may we receive the grace to live lives of deep faith, hope, and charity.

Saint Andrew Avellino, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – From scammer to saint: Hope for con artists like Anna Delvey and ‘The Tinder Swindler’

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 10 November – St Andrew Avellino CR (1521 – 1608)

Catholic Culture – Catholic Prayer: Prayer to Saint Andrew Avellino Against a Sudden Death and Against Strokes

Catholic Lane – St. Andrew Avellino

Catholic Online – St. Andrew Avellino

CatholicSaints.Info – Book of Saints – Andrew Avellino – by Monks of Ramsgate

Editions Magnificant – Saint Andrew Avellino Theatine Priest († 1608)

Letters from the Saints – St. Andrew Avellino: We All Need to be Ready to Die

New Advent – Ott, M. (1907). St. Andrew Avellino. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Andrew Avellino

Saints Alive – St. Andrew Avellino

Saints for Sinners – Saint Andrew Avellino

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