Alphabetical List of Saints
Alphabetical List of Saints Starting with the Letter M
Macarius of Egypt
Madeleine Sophie Barat
Magnus of Fussen
Margaret Clitherow
Margaret Mary Alacoque
Margaret of Antioch
Margaret of Castello
Margaret of Cortona
Margaret of Hungary
Margaret of Scotland
Marguerite Bourgeoys
Marguerite d’Youville
Maria Bertilla Boscardin
Maria Francesca Rubatto
Maria Goretti
María Guadalupe García Zavala
María Maravillas de Jesús
Maria Mazzarello
Marianne Cope
Marie de l’Incarnation
Marie-Madeleine Postel
Marie Rivier
Martha of Bethany
Martin de Porres
Martin of Tours
Mary MacKillop
Maximilian Kolbe
Michael de Sanctis
Mildred of Thanet
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