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August 30

St Fiacre - August 30

Saint Fiacre

Priest, Hermit

(Around 600 – 670)

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Saint Fiacre

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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life 

Fiacre was born in Ireland at the end of the sixth century. He was the brother of Saint Syra of Troyes. Fiacre was raised in an Irish monastery where he became a monk. He studied herbal medicine and become skilled at the use of healing herbs. In time, Fiacre had his own hermitage and perhaps a monastery, possibly near St. Fiachra’s Well  at Cill Fiachra (Kilferagh), Sheastown, near Bennetsbridge, County Kilkenny.

Fleeing to France 

As crowds flocked to him because of his reputation for his holiness and cures, he sailed to France in search of greater solitude.  When he arrived at Meaux in 628, the Bishop Saint Faro of Meaux granted him land at Brogillum (Breuil), in the province of Brie.  The Bishop welcomed Fiacre due to kindnesses he and his father’s house had received from the Irish missionary Saint Columbanus.

Granted Land

Fiacre asked for land for a garden for food and healing herbs. Bishop Saint Faro told Fiacre that he could have as much land as he could entrench in one day. The next morning Fiacre walked around the perimeter of the land he wanted, dragged his spade behind him. Wherever the spade touched, trees were toppled, bushes uprooted, and the soil was entrenched.

Garden, Chapel and Hospice that Turned into a Village

Fiacre made a cell for himself, a garden for herbs and vegetables, a chapel and a hospice for travellers. All this developed into the village of Saint-Fiacre. It is situated in Seine-et-Marne départment of the Île-de-France region. This garden became a place of pilgrimage for centuries for those seeking healing.

Gift of Healing

Fiacre had the gift of healing by laying on his hands; blindness, polypus, and fevers are mentioned by the old records as being cured by his touch.  He was especially effective against a type of tumour or fistula later known as “le fic de S. Fiacre”.

Connection to Cab Drivers

Fiacre’s connection to cab drivers and taxi drivers is because the Hotel de Saint Fiacre in Paris, France rented carriages. People who had no idea who Fiacre was referred to the cabs as Fiacre cabs, and eventually just as fiacres. Those who drove them assumed Fiacre as their patron.

His Death

Fiacre died August 18, 670. Saint Fiacre’s feast day is  August 30. He is depicted as a man carrying a spade and a basket of vegetables beside him, surrounded by pilgrims and blessing the sick.

Born:                   6th Century in Ireland

Died:                   August 18, 670 in France

Beatified:            Pre-Congregation

Canonized:         Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          August 30

Patron Saint:     Against Cancer; Against Fistulas; Against Hemorrhoids; Against Venereal Diseases; Cab Drivers; Florists; Gardners; Taxi Drivers



Saint Fiacre wanted to be hermit in Ireland, but people came to him for his healing herbs he grew. So, he traveled to France to be a hermit there. Even when  people came in multitudes to him for his healings and curings, making the long pilgrimages to his site, Saint Fiacre accepted his role. He built a hospice, a chapel and garden for these travelers.  Just like Saint Fiacre, God may be calling you to step out into a role to do his will that his out of your quiet and comfort zone.

Who needs your acts of kindness when you just want some down time? Just listening patiently to someone in need could be the sign of love to turn their day around today.


Saint Fiacre,

Humble hermit and patron of gardeners, You who found God in the beauty of nature and dedicated your life to prayer, healing, and service, we ask for your intercession.

Bless our efforts that they may cultivate the virtues of patience, humility, and diligence as we tend to the gardens of our lives and souls.

Help us to sow seeds of faith, hope, and love and to nurture them with prayer and perseverance.

May we labor with love and care, offering all that we do for the glory of God and the good of others.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Saint Fiacre, pray for us.  Amen.

Saint Links 

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Fiacre

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 1 September – Saint Fiacre (Died 670)

Catholic Exchange – Honoring the Mystical Rose with Flowers

Catholic Ireland – Aug 30 – St Fiacre (7th century) patron of gardeners and taxi-drivers

Catholic Online – St. Fiacre

Editions Magnificant – Saint Fiaker Prince of Scotland and Anchorite († 670)

Franciscan Media – Saint Who? Fiacre

Independent Catholic News – St Fiacre

New Advent – Mulcahy, C. (1909). St. Fiacre. In The Catholic Encyclopedia.

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Fiacre

Saint for a Minute – Saint Fiacre

Wikipedia – Saint Fiacre

Video Link

– YouTube Video (Good Catholic)