Find The Saint

June 8

St Syra of Troyes - June 8

Saint Syra of Troyes


(Unknown – 7th Century)

“Oh! vile, despicable and infected is earth to me, when I look upon Heaven Vanity of vanities and all is vanity, except to serve God, and to love Him only!”

Saint Syra of Troyes

Saint’s Life Story

Her Life 

Few details are known of Syra’s exact birth date and her youth. Syra is said to have been Saint Fiacre‘s sister.  If so, she was of a distinguished family. Another account has it, that she was daughter to Eugene IV. and of the royal family of Scotland. Her father took great care to have her brought up virtuously and imbued with sentiments of Christian piety. From a very tender age, Syra manifested the results of such training.


It is stated, that Saint Conon, Bishop of Lodore, was selected to be her teacher ; while to knowledge and prudence, he joined wisdom and piety. From her earliest years, Syra conceived an ardent love for our Lord Jesus Christ, and she passed several hours on her knees, in fervent prayer. She therefore resolved to have no other spouse but Him alone, and she rejected those offers of marriage, preferred by many highly distinguished suitors. The Legend of her Acts declares, that to resist their solicitations, she obtained through prayer the favour to her of becoming blind. However, she had some internal revelation, that in France she should be restored to the use of her sight.

Left Ireland and Followed Her Brother to France

Syra was resolved to imitate her brother’s example, by leaving her friends and native country. Owing to this detachment from the fondest earthly ties, she hoped the better to arrive at Christian perfection. Syra selected some female companions to accompany her. Then, she left her native country.  Syra resolved on seeking her brother in France. Aided by her guardian Angel, she succeeded in finding the place of his retreat.

Holy Well

Syra addressed herself to Saint Faro, Bishop of Meaux, patron and protector of her brother. He had established various religious ‘houses in his diocese, during the somewhat extended period of his episcopacy. The holy prelate recommended her to his sister, Saint Burgundofara, who was Abbess in Brie.  

Vision Recovered

Syra became a perfect pattern of humility, charity, meekness and devotion, under such a directress. At Troyes, the holy Martyr Saint Savinien had been held in great veneration. But hostile incursions had caused such disorders and ravages in the place, that the exact site of his tomb was then unknown. Through his merits, Saint Fiacre had an inspiration, that his sister should recover her sight, while to her in like manner was revealed the spot where the body of St. Savinien lay. There, prostrating herself, Syra poured forth her soul in prayer and her face bedewed with tears, she would not rise from the ground until her petition was heard. Syra was restored miraculously to the use of vision.

A Cell and Chapel Built

Then, to manifest her gratitude to the holy Martyr, Syra formed a resolution of there fixing her abode. She caused a cell and a chapel to be built, so that her gratitude should remain lasting and tangible. There, Syra spent whole days and nights in prayer, while some of those virgins, who accompanied her from Scotia, shared in her pious exercises. From this place, Syra occasionally visited Chalons.  Here, she withdrew often to the pious virgins of the community of Sainte-Pome.  She communicated to them that Divine fire of love, with which her heart was filled.

The reputation of Syra’s great sanctity soon spread through all the surrounding country. A request was made to her to quit her cell to visit a community of women, which had relaxed religious fervour, in order that again she might restore it. Through humility, not conceiving herself called to become a religious reformer, and doubting her powers of persuasion, Syra hesitated for a long time. However, to promote God’s greater glory in the salvation of souls, Syra accepted the mission. Zealously, she laboured to effect the desired change. Syra succeeded in an admirable manner.

Having thus restored order in that community, Syra returned to her little cell, near the tomb of St. Savinien. There, she buried herself in exercises of penitence to the end of her days.

Her Death

The Almighty, willing to crown Syra, soon called her away from this life. Syra departed on the 8th of June, sometime in the seventh century in Troyes, France. Her body was buried, according to one statement, in the small chapel Syra had built, near the tomb of Saint Savinien. It was deposited within a stone coffin. Another account has it, that Syra departed this life at or near Meaux, where her spiritual fathers, Saint Fiacre and Saint Faro, lived. 

Born:                  Unknown in Ireland

Died:                   7th Century in Troyes, France

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          June 8

Patron Saint:     None



Saint Syra of Troyes prayed to be blind to resist her suitors solicitations. After she followed her brother to France, Saint Syra poured forth her soul in prayer and would not rise from the ground until her petition was heard. Syra was restored miraculously to the use of vision. 

What do you needed to be “blinded from” to serve Christ? What do you need your eyes to “opened to” to serve Christ? Like Saint Syra, all things are possible with persistent prayer.


St. Syra of Troyes, may you intercede for us to help us “open our eyes” to ways we can serve God. May we use your example to continue our unwavering daily prayers to have the grace, wisdom, and strength today to do God’s will.

St. Syra of Troyes, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America – St. Syra (Syria) of Ireland – Rev. Alban Butler Volume VI: June. The Lives of the Saints. 1866. June 8 St. Syra, Virgin, of Ireland

CatholicSaints.Info – Saint Syra of Troyes

Celtic and Old English Saints – St. Syra of Troyes, Virgin (Syria)

Lives of the Irish Saints : with special festivals, and the commemorations of holy persons
by O’Hanlon, John

Wikipedia – Syra of Troyes

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