July 7

Saint Willibald of Eichstätt
(700 – 781)
“They had caught the black plague. So great a hold had it got on them, that, scarcely able to move, worn out with fever and almost at the point of death, the breath of life had practically left their bodies. But God in His never failing providence and fatherly love deigned to listen to their prayers and come to their aid, so that each of them rested in turn for one week whilst they attended to each other’s needs.”
Saint Hunebrec recounting the disease and miraculous recovery of the brothers Saints Willibald and Winebald
Saint’s Life Story
Birth and Near Death as an Infant
Willibald was born in Essex, England on October 21, 700. He was born a prince to his father, Saint Richard the King. His brother Saint Winnebald of Heidenhelm and sister Saint Walburga were also both saints. His uncle from his mother was Saint Boniface. He nearly died as an infant, leading his parents to pray for his life, vowing that that he would be dedicated to God if he survived.
First English man to travel to the Holy Land
Willibald entered the Abbey of Waltham in Hampshire, England at the age of five and was educated by Egwald, a Benedictine monk. He went on a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy in 722 with his father, who died unexpectedly after developing a fever in Lucca, Tuscany, Italy. Willibald suffered from malaria while he was there. Willibald continued onto Rome in 724 and then reached Jerusalem in 725. Willibald is known as the first English man to travel to the Holy Land and the book of his travels, Hodoeporicon, (written by St Hunebrec), is the first known English travelogue.
Captured and Released
Willibald was captured by the Saracens at Emessa, who thought he was a spy. However, he was eventually released and continued onto many other holy places. Then his travels took him to Constantinope (modern day Istanbul, Turkey), where he visited numerous lauras (monasteries). As Willibald was returning to Italy, he went to Monte Cassino, where he stayed for 10 years helping Saint Petronax restore the monastery. There he served as sacrist, dean, and porter.
Bishop of Eichstatt, Germany
On a visit to Rome, Italy he met Pope St Gregory III, who sent Willibald to Germany to assist his cousin Saint Boniface on his important missionary evangelism endeavors. Willibald was ordained by St Boniface on October 21, 741. Soon St. Boniface appointed him as Bishop of Eichstätt, Franconia (modern day Germany). With his brother Saint Winnebald in 752, he founded a double monastery at Heidenheim where Willibald named Winnebald as abbot and his sister Saint Walburga abbess. Willibad served as bishop for 40 years.
Willabald died on July 7, 781 of natural causes in Eichstätt, Germany. His relics are kept in a marble reliquary urn in Saint Willibald Cathedral, Eichstätt, Germany, which was completed in 1269.
Born: October 21, 700 in Essex, England
Died: July 7, 781 in Eichstatt, Germany
Beatified: Pre-Congregation
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
Feast Day: July 7
Patron Saint: Diocese and City of Eichstätt, Germany
- CatholicSaints.Info » Saint Willibald of Eichstätt
- Saint Willibald of Eichstätt – Saint for a Minute: Saints & Blesseds
- Willibald – Wikipedia
While Saint Willibald was the first Englishman to travel to Holy Lands visiting many of the same places that Jesus lived his life, he put all his travels aside and became a missionary later in life when requested by Pope Gregory VII. Saint Willibald founded a double monastery with his brother, Winnebald, his sister, Saint Walburga, in Eichstätt, Germany. May we be open to whatever the Lord asks of us as we grow older. May we know that Jesus will always give us the grace, wisdom, and strength to do his will at any age.
St. Willibald of Eichstätt,
You went to the foreign lands of Franconia (Germany) as a missionary to evangelize.
Pray for us that while we who may not be able to go to foreign lands as a missionary, may we evangelize to all we encounter the glories of God through the example of our lives every day, no matter where we are living.
St Willibald of Eichstätt, pray for us. Amen.
Saint Links
Anastpaul – Saint Willibald of Eichstätt
Catholic Ireland – Dec 19 – St Winnibald (d. 761)
Catholic Online – Saint Willibald of Eichstätt
Catholic Readings – Saint Willibald of Eichstätt: Saint of the Day
CatholicSaints.Info – Saint of the Day – Willibald by Katherine I Rabenstein
CatholicSaints.Info – The Itinerary of Saint Willibald, by Father Thomas Meyrick, SJ
New Advent – Mershman, F. (1912). Sts. Willibald and Winnebald. In The Catholic Encyclopedia
Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Willlibald, Bishop of Eichstätt