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April 5

St Vincent Ferrer - April 5

Saint Vincent Ferrer

Priest, Confessor

(1350 – 1419)

“Pay attention to what you do yourself, and not to what others do.

Saint Vincent Ferrer

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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Studious Years 

Vincent was born on January 23, 1350, in Valencia, Spain, the son of William Ferrer and Constantia Miguel, bof theo noble families. He was educated at Valencia and joined the Dominicans in 1367. Vincent was sent to Barcelona for further studies. At the age of 21, Vincent taught philosophy at Lerida. Then, Vincent returned to Barcelona in 1373, where he earned fame for predicting accurately the timely arrival of grain ships during a famine.

Two Popes

Three years later, Vincent continued his studies at Toulouse, France. In 1379, Vincent became a member of Pedro Cardinal de Luna’s court, the beginning of a long friendship. De Luna had voted for Pope Urban VI in 1378. However, he was convinced the election had been invalid and joined a bunch of cardinals who elected Robert of Geneva as Pope. This action created a schism.

Teacher and Confessor to the Queen

Vincent taught at the cathedral in Valencia from 1385-1390. He was the confessor to Queen Yolanda of Aragon from 1391 to 1395.  Vincent was cited for heresy. In 1394, the charge was dismissed by De Luna, who became the newly elected successor to the antipope Clement VII. De Luna became known as the antipope Benedict XIII. Vincent became part of the papal legate to the court of Aragon and the antipope Benedict XIII. Vincent was convinced of the legitimacy of the Avignon Popes and was their ardent champion. 

So, in 1394, Vincent took the position of confessor and apostolic penitentiary to antipope Benedict XIII. Vincent declined offices and honors, including cardinalate, that antipope Benedict wanted to bestow on him. During a French siege of Avignon in 1398, Vincent fell gravely ill and nearly died. After he had a vision of Christ, Saint Dominic, and Saint Francis of Assisi, Vincent miracously recovered. In this vision, Vincent was directed to “go through the world preaching Christ.”

Worldwide Preacher

However, he had some resistance from antipope Benedict XIII, who did not want Vincent to leave Avignon. In 1399, Vincent was finally released by antipope Benedict XIII and started preaching all over western Europe. His passion and eloquence attracted large crowds of believers. For the next twenty years, he travelled to England, Scotland, Ireland, Aragon, Castile, France, Switzerland and Italy, preaching the Gospel and converting many.  Vincent had converts that included Saint Bernardine of Siena and Blessed Margaret of Savoy. 


In Spain, Vincent was named one of nine judges to decide the succession to the crown of Aragon in which King Ferdinand was chosen.  One of Vincent’s greatest achievements was his effort to end the Great Western Schism, which had divided the Church since 1378. In 1408, while ministering to the plague-stricken of Genoa, Vincent tried unsuccessfully to persuade Benedict to withdraw his claims to the papacy so the Church could be united under one Pope.

Vincent spent a lot of time preaching for an end to the schism and even begged his friend Benedict to resign after the Council of Constance had deposed a third person who laid claim to the papacy – antipope John XXIII. After Benedict refused, Vincent advised King Ferdinand to withdraw his allegiance to Avignon. King Ferdinand did so and then Benedict was deposed and the Great Western Schism ended.

His Death

Vincent spent the last three years of his life preaching in northern France. He died at Vannes, Brittany, France on April 5, 1419.

Born:                  January 23, 1350, in Valencia, Spain

Died:                  April 5, 1419, in Vannes, Brittany, France

Beatified:           Not Available

Canonized:        June 3, 1455 by Pope Calixtus III

Feast Day:         April 5

Patron Saint:    Archdiocese of Valencia, Spain; Builders; Prisoners



​Saint Vincent Ferrer lived a life of fervor and dedication to the truths of the Catholic faith. He imparted the education he received to others through his witness and preaching. Come to the aid of all teachers and preachers to emulate your virtues with your same zeal for the house of the Lord.

Although you may not be a preacher, how can you show your zeal for God to those you encounter? How can you “preach” to others today through your actions and words?


St. Vincent Ferrer,

You were chosen by God to preach His Word with power, to convert the hearts of hardened sinners, and to bring healing to the afflicted.

We come to you now, humbly asking for your intercession in our own lives and for all those whom we hold dear.

May we be filled with the same fire of love that burned within you.

Inspire us to live each day in service to others, sharing our faith and trusting always in God’s divine mercy.

Heal the wounds in our hearts and bring peace to our minds, so that we may find joy in the Lord’s presence.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.  Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – Another saint of impossible causes: He brought about hundreds of miracles even in his lifetime

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 5 April – St Vincent Ferrer O.P. (1350-1419)

Catholic Culture – St. Vincent Ferrer and the Divided Papacy

Catholic Exchange – St. Vincent Ferrer (Priest)

Catholic Fire – St. Vincent Ferrer: Dominican Missionary who converted thousands

Catholic Ireland – Apr 5 – St Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)

Catholic News Agency – St. Vincent Ferrer Feast Day: Apr 05

Editions Magnificant – Saint Vincent Ferrer Thaumaturge, Dominican Missionary (1357-1419)

Franciscan Media – Saint Vincent Ferrer

Loyola Press – Saint Vincent Ferrer Feast Day April 5

My Catholic Life – Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest

New Advent – Reinhart, A. (1912). St. Vincent Ferrer. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Vincent Ferrer

Saint for a Minute – Saint Vincent Ferrer

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Vincent Ferrer (c.1350-1419)

Saints Alive – St. Vincent Ferrer

Saints Sources – Vincent Ferrer

uCatholic – Saint Vincent Ferrer

Video Link

Saint Vincent Ferrer – YouTube (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – USA)