October 3

Saint Théodore Guérin
Nun, Foundress
(1798 – 1856)
“With Jesus, what shall we have to fear?”
Saint Théodore Guérin
Saint’s Life Story
Her Early Life in France
Anne-Thérèse Guérin was born on October 2, 1798, in the village of Étables-sur-Mer in Brittany, France, to Laurent Guérin and Isabelle (Lefèvre) Guérin. Laurent and Isabelle Guérin had four children, two sons (Jean-Laurent and Laurent-Marie) and two daughters; however, only Anne-Thérèse and her younger sister, Marie-Jeanne, survived to adulthood. Anne-Thérèse was allowed to receive her First Communion at the age of 10, two years earlier than usual, and, at that time, told the parish priest that someday she would be a nun.
Cared For Her Mom
Joined a Convent
Began as a Teacher
Théodore spent her early career as an educator, beginning as a teacher at Preuilly-sur-Claise in central France. In 1826, she began serving as a teacher and superior at the Saint Aubin parish school in Rennes before her transfer to a school at Soulaines in the Diocese of Angers. She also ministered to the needs of the area’s sick and poor and received a medal for her teaching from the inspector for the Academy of Angers. While working in France, Théodore became seriously ill, most likely with smallpox. Although she recovered, the illness damaged her digestive system. As a result, Théodore could only eat a simple, bland diet for the rest of her life.
Asked to Led a Missionary Band to Indiana, USA
While on travel from the United States in France, Bishop Hailandière, the bishop of the vast Diocese of Vincennes in state of Indiana, asked the Sisters of Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir to send a group of sisters to establish a ministry in diocese. Sister Theodore was asked to lead a small missionary band of Sisters of Providence to the United States of America, to establish a motherhouse, to open schools and to share the love of God with pioneers in the Diocese of Vincennes in the State of Indiana. Sister Théodore later remarked that a sentence from the Rule of the congregation convinced her to answer the call to immigrate to the United States: “The Congregation being obliged to work with zeal for the sanctification of souls, the sisters will be disposed to go to whatsoever part of the world obedience calls them.”
Her Start at Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Equipped with little more than her steadfast desire to serve God, Sister Théodore and her five companion Sisters of Providence arrived at the site of their mission at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, on the evening of October 22, 1840. She immediately hastened along a muddy, narrow path to the tiny log cabin that served as the chapel. There, they knelt in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to thank God for their safe journey and to ask for God’s blessings for the new mission.
Opened an Academy for Women
In July 1841, less than a year after they arrived in Indiana, and despite their meager resources, Mother Théodore and the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods opened Saint Mary’s Academy for young women. The academy was the forerunner of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Started Many Schools and Orphanages in Indiana and Illinois
From the time of her arrival at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in July 1840 to January 1849, Mother Théodore worked with Catholic parishes to establish parish schools at several sites within the Diocese of Vincennes. She personally directed the establishment of Saint Joseph School (1842) in Jasper; Saint Anne’s Academy (1844) in Madison; Saint Augustine’s (1846) in Fort Wayne; and Saint Vincent’s Academy (1849) in Terre Haute, Indiana; as well as a school in Saint Francisville, Illinois. After her return to the United States from a fundraising trip to France, Mother Théodore and the Sisters of Providence established six other schools in Indiana: two in Evansville, Saint Joseph’s Academy (1853) and Assumption (1853); Saint Patrick’s (1853) in North Madison; Saint Mary’s (1853) at Fort Wayne; Saint Mary’s (1854) at Lanesville; and Saint Bartholomew (1855) at Columbus. In addition, Mother Théodore and the Sisters of Providence helped establish two orphanages in Vincennes and free pharmacies at Vincennes and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Built Convent
Mother Théodore proved to be a skilled businesswoman and leader and a beloved general superior and spiritual leader of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She arranged to purchase a local farmhouse belonging to the Thralls family to serve as the congregation’s first convent at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Mother Théodore oversaw the construction of a new Providence convent, which was formally dedicated on August 7, 1854.
Her Death
Mother Théodore suffered from poor health for most of her adult life and she died on May 14, 1856 at the motherhouse in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, at fifty-seven. Mother Théodore died sixteen years after she arrived at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. During those fleeting years, she touched a countless number of lives—and continues to do so today.
Born: October 2, 1798 in Étables-sur-Mer, Brittany, France
Died: May 14, 1856 in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Beatified: October 25, 1998 by Pope John Paul II
Canonized: October 15, 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI
Feast Day: October 3
Patron Saint: Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana
Saint Théodore Guérin was a model of perseverance. Despite facing many challenges—including a long journey from France to America and the struggles of starting a religious community in an unfamiliar land—she remained focused on her mission. She continued to rely on prayer and her deep faith in God’s guidance. In her ministry in the United States, she was devoted to education and caring for those in need. In her work with the poor, orphans, and those who had been neglected by society, she demonstrated that the call to holiness is not just a personal journey but one that extends to how we serve and love others. While we may not be called to another country to start a new religious community like Saint Théodore Guérin, our holy journey following Christ always needs to include caring for our neighbors, especially those who are in most in need, both physically and spiritually.
What charitable attitude and small actions can you do for those in need around you today being a “living teachable moment” demonstrating Jesus love for all?
Saint Mother Théodore Guérin,
valiant woman of God,
intercede for us in our needs.
Implore for us through Jesus, the Christ, the gifts of a living faith,
abiding hope and steadfast charity,
so that through a life of prayer
and service with others
we may aid in promoting
the Providence of God
among all peoples.
Saint Mother Théodore Guérin, pray for us.
Source: Saint Mother Theodore Guerin prayer – A Prayer from the Sisters of Providence (spsmw.org)
Saint Links
Aleteia – From France to the woodlands of Indiana: An unlikely journey to sainthood
All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Théodore Guérin
Catholic Exchange – Saints, People Who Leave Everything to Follow Christ
Catholic Fire – St. Mother Theodore Guérin
Catholic News Agency – St. Mother Théodore Guérin Feast Day: Oct 03
Catholic Online – St. Mother Theodore Guerin
CatholicSaints.Info – Illustrated Catholic Family Annual – Mother Theodore
Daily Prayer – Théodore Guérin
Franciscan Media – Saint Theodora Guérin
Loyola Press – Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Feast Day October 3
Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Mother Theodora Guérin (1798-1856)
Saint Resource – Theodore Guerin
uCatholic – Saint Mother Theodore Guerin