May 10

Saint Solange of Bourges
Laywoman, Virgin, Martyr
(Around 863 – Around 880)
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Saint Solange of Bourges
Saint’s Life Story
Her Early Life
Solange was born in the late 9th century, around the year 880, in Villemont, a small village near Bourges, France. She grew up in a humble and devout Christian family, deeply rooted in their faith. At the age of seven, Solange dedicated herself to God and took a vow of chastity. Her job on the estate was to tend the sheep. She would spend her time in the pastures in prayer. Solange had a caring and gentle touch with animals. Several miracles of healing were attributed to her.
Rejected Her Lustful Suitor
Bernard was the son of the Count of Poitiers, who was the owner of the vineyard where Solange’s parents worked. He heard of Solange’s beauty and holiness and wanted to come to see her. So, he rode his horse to the pastures where Solange would tend sheep alone. In Solange’s steadfast commitment to preserving her purity and faith, Solange resisted his advances. Bernard grew infuriated. In his rage, he grabbed Solange, placed her on his horse, and began to ride off. Solange wrestled her way free and fell from the horse. Despite being seriously injured, Solange tried to make an escape. But, Bernard caught her. He grew even more enraged and beheaded her with his hunting sword.
A Medieval legend has it that Solange then rose after being beheaded by Bernard with her head invoking the name of Jesus three times. Solange’s body picked her head up and she carried her head in her hands to the Church of St. Martin-du-Cros back in Villemont, France.
It is said that during Solange’s lifetime, every night her steps were illuminated by a bright star above her. In addition, Solange is said to have the power to drive away evil and heal the sick by her presence.
Solange is considered a martyr as she died around 880 in le Champ de Sainte Solange, Cher, France – insisting on her fidelity to Christ. This field, le Champ de Sainte Solange, where she used to pray was named after her — “The Field of St. Solange.” Because of the field, St. Solange is called upon as the patron saint of drought relief.
In art, Saint Solange can be identified as a shepherdess with a star over her head, near a crucifix. She may also be portrayed with a hunting knife in her throat or carrying her head.
Born : Around 863 in Villemont near Bourges, Cher, France
Died: Around 880 in le Champ de Sainte Solange, Cher, France
Beatified: Pre-Congregation
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
Feast Day: May 10
Patron Saint: Berry, France; Bourges, France; Children; Drought Relief; For Rain; Rape Victims; Shepherdess
Saint Solange of Bourges’ life can inspire Catholic believers to remain steadfast in their faith, even in the face of adversity. Her brave example encourages individuals to uphold their principles, remain true to their convictions, and trust in God’s guidance and protection. Saint Solange’s story reminds us that faith is not always easy, but it can empower us to overcome obstacles and become beacons of light in the world.
What obstacles in upholding your faith do you face today? Remember, like Saint Solange of Bourges, you can insist on your fidelity to Christ through your actions today becoming a shining light to guide others.
Saint Solange of Bourges,
Glorious patroness of the faithful, we come before you with hearts filled with devotion and hope. You, who in your holy innocence, endured martyrdom for the love of our Lord, intercede for us in our times of need.
Oh, humble virgin and model of purity, you chose to remain faithful to God, even in the face of great adversity. We beseech you, Saint Solange, to obtain for us the strength and courage to live our lives in accordance with God’s will.
Saint Solange of Bourges, pray for us. Amen.
Saint Links
All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Solange of Bourges – Virgin and Martyr
Catholic Online – St. Solange
CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Solangia of Bourges by Katherine I Rabenstein
University of Notre Dame – St. Solange
Radio Don Bosco – Saint Solange de Bourges
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church – St. Solange
The Daily Mass – St. Solage
uCatholic – St. Solange
Wikipedia – Solange
Video Link
Saint Solange (May 10) – YouTube (Catherine Weeks)