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May 17

St Paschal Baylon - May 17

Saint Paschal Baylón
Franciscan Lay Brother
“Saint of the Holy Eucharist”

“God is as really present in the consecrated Host as He is in the glory of Heaven.”

Saint Paschal Baylón

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His Early Years

Paschal was born on May 16, 1540 at Torre Hermosa, Aragon (modern Spain), to the poor and pious parents, Martin Baylón and Elizabeth Jubera. He was given the name of Paschal in honour of Pascua de Pentecosta because he was born on Whit-Sunday or the Feast of the Pentecost, which in Spain is called the “Pasch of the Holy Ghost.”

Shepard Until Age 24

In order to help support his peasant family, Pascal worked as a shepherd from the time he was 7 years old until he was 24. During this time, Pascahl lived a life of penance and showed great devotion for the Holy Eucharist. He taught himself to read so that he could pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin, the popular prayer book of his day. Paschal often prayed when he heard the town church bells ringing during Mass.

Not having any other means to relieve the poor, Paschal always gave them a part of his own dinner which was sent him into the fields. He was extremely honest, even offering to compensate owners of crops for any damage that his sheep caused.

Franciscan Lay Brother

At 18, after a vision, Paschal had applied to join the Franciscans at Loreto, 200 miles away, but the monks turned him down, knowing nothing of him personally. A few years later, Paschal applied again. So this time in 1564, he was accepted. As a Franciscan lay brother with friars of the Alcantarine Reform, Paschal lived a strict life according to the recently initiated reforms of Saint Peter of Alcántara. Saint Peter of Alcantara was very instrumental in the life and spirituality of Saint Teresa of Avila, who was living at that time.

Although he served as a cook at times, Paschal served primarily as a doorkeeper at various friaries in Spain. When he was porter and took care of the poor coming to the door, he developed a reputation for great generosity. His charity to the poor and afflicted, his unfailing courtesy and humility were remarkable even by Franciscan standards.

Dangerous Travel

Paschal was sent to France with a message to Father Christopher de Cheffontaines, the minister general of the Observants. During his travel, he wore his habit during a dangerous time of religious wars. After he defended the doctrine of the Real Presence of the Holy Eucharist to a Calvinist preacher and a crowd, Paschal was accosted several times and once narrowly escaped with his life. He was stoned by a party of Hugenots and suffered from the injury for the rest of his life.

“Saint of the Blessed Sacrament”

Pascal was deeply devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, and his love for the Eucharist was the focus of his entire life. His intense devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is obvious from the long hours he spent kneeling before the tabernacle, with his clasped hands outstretched. For this reason, Pope Leo XIII, in the Apostolic Brief “Providentissimus Deus,” named Saint Pascal Baylón the patron of all Eucharistic Congresses and Eucharistic Associations, whether presently existing or to come in the future.

Poorly educated, Paschal was still a counselor sought by rich and poor alike. He was hardly able to read and write but he was able to hold intelligent conversations with learned doctors in theology. Some of the theologians felt that Paschal was inspired by God.

His Death

On the same feast on which he had been born Pentecost Sunday, Paschal died on May 17, 1592 at the age of 52 in at Villarreal, near Valentia, Spain. It is said that the saint died at the exact moment the bells were tolling to announce the consecration at the high Mass. His tomb in the Royal Chapel in Valencia, Spain, immediately became a popular pilgrimage site, even by the King of Spain and his nobles.

Born :                   May 16, 1540 in Torre Hermosa, Aragon, (modern Spain)

Died:                    May 17, 1592 age 52 in Villarreal, Spain

Beatified:            October 29, 1618 by Pope Paul V

Canonized:         October 16, 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII

Feast Day:          May 17

Patron Saint:     Cooks; Diocese of Segorbe-Castellón de la Plana, Spain; Eucharistic Congresses and Associations; Obado, Bulacan, Philippines; Shepards



Saint Paschal Baylón’s primary devotion centered around the Eucharist. He spent long hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, emphasizing the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Like Saint Pascal Baylon, we should all strive for devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, that awesome gift whereby God humbles Himself in order that we might share in His life. If our devotion is not what it could be, let us pray to Saint Pascal to help us increase our love for the Eucharist.

Can you make time today to spend in the blessed presence of the Lord at your local Catholic Church at Mass or Eucharistic Adoration?


Saint Paschal Baylón,

you were a faithful servant of God and lover of the Holy Eucharist spending your life in adoration and contemplation,

Inspire in us a deep and abiding love for the Blessed Sacrament.

May we, like you, recognize the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine of the Eucharist.

Guide us in our daily work and prayer, that we may offer our lives as a pleasing sacrifice to God.

Saint Paschal Baylón, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – This “angel of the Eucharist” taught himself to read

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Paschal Baylon – Religious

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 17 May – St Paschal Baylon OFM (1540-1592) The “Seraph of the Eucharist”

Catholic Ireland – May 17 – St Paschal Baylon (1540-92)

Catholic News Agency – St. Pascal Baylon Feast day: May 17

Catholic Online – St. Paschal Baylon

CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Paschal Baylon by Katherine I Rabenstein

Daily Prayers – Pascal Baylon

Editions Magnificant – Saint Paschal Baylon Franciscan Lay Brother (1540-1592)

Franciscan Media – Saint Paschal Baylon

Gaudium Press – Saint Paschal Baylon, Patron of Eucharistic Congresses and Associations

Heralds of the Gospel – St. Paschal Baylon – Meek Lamb of the Flock of Christ

Independent Catholic News – St Charles Borromeo

Loyola Press – Saint Paschal Baylon Feast day May 17

New Advent – Staniforth, O. (1911). St. Pascal Baylon. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

RC Spirituality (Uncle Eddy) – St. Paschal Baylon

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Paschal Baylon

Saint for a Minute – Saint Pascal Baylon

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Paschal Baylon (1540-1592)

Saint Resources – Paschal Baylon

The Daily Mass – St. Paschal Baylon

uCatholic – Saint Paschal Baylon

Video Link

Cradio Saint of the Day: Saint Paschal Baylon – YouTube (CatholicSaints.Info)