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May 9

St Pachomius - May 9

Saint Pachomius

Abbot, Founder Monasticism

(Around 292 – Around 348)

“Though abstinence and prayer be of great merit, yet sickness, suffered with patience, is of much greater

Saint Pachomius

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life as a Pagan

Pachomius was born around 292 in the Upper Thebaîd (near modern-day Luxor, Egypt) to pagan parents. He grew up as a pagan.

Drafted And Shipped down the Nile

Pachomius was unwillingly drafted into the Theban army at the age of 20, probably to help Maximinus wage war against Licinius and Constantine. When his unit reached Thebes, the officers in charge, knowing the feelings of their reluctant recruits, locked them up. They were taken down the Nile as virtual prisoners under terrible conditions. The soldier-prisoners were fed, given money, and treated with great kindness by the Christians of Latopolis (Esneh) while they were being shipped down the Nile.

Kind Christians

The kindness of the Christians to strangers caused Pachomius to enquire about their faith and to enroll himself as a catechumen at the local Christian church. After his baptism in 314, Pachomius searched for the best way to respond to the grace he had received in the sacrament.

Founded Monastic Life

Pachomius became a disciple of a hermit named Palaemon. One day in 318, while walking in the Tabennisi Desert on the banks of the Nile River north of Thebes, Pachomius is said to have heard a voice that told him to begin a monastery there.  In response to that vision, Pachomius built a cell there around 320. He soon attracted numerous disciples. So, Pachomius organized and founded a community of monks with the help and encouragement of local hermits.

Thousands of Monks and Nuns Under Pachomius

The monks in the monastery functioned under a rule that Pachomius wrote around 320. This rule was so flexible that ten other communities were founded by Pachomius. There were three thousand monks and nuns living in nine monsateries and two convents under Pachomius and his rule. Pachomius did all of this work although he was never actually ordained.

His Death

He died around 348 in Tabennisi, Egypt. Pachomius is really the founder of cenobitic monasticism. Saint Benedict used his rule in formulatting the Rule of St. Benedict. He was a desert father ranked with other great early innovators such as Saints Benedict of Nursia, Basil and John Cassian. 

Born:                   Around 292 in the Upper Thebaîd, Egypt  (near modern-day Luxor, Egypt)

Died:                   Around 348 in Tabennisi, Egypt

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:         May 9, also May 14 and May 15 in some calendars

Patron Saint:    None



Unlike the solitary asceticism of his predecessors, Saint Pachomius established a communal monastic life. His approach emphasized living in a structured, supportive community. This communal life, with its shared prayer, work, and spiritual discipline, became a model for future monastic traditions. His rule balanced prayer with manual labor, emphasizing that both are integral to spiritual life. This balance reflects a holistic approach to faith, where spiritual growth is intertwined with daily duties and responsibilities. In our own lives, whether in religious communities or daily interactions, we are called to support and uplift one another. The shared journey of faith can be a source of strength, accountability, and encouragement.

How will you balance today integrating your spiritual practices, such as your prayer time, with our daily activities, duties and responsibilities – just as Saint Pachomius did his communal monastic life?


Saint Pachomius,

You who were a great pioneer of monastic life, establishing a community of faith and discipline and guiding countless souls to a life of prayer and service, we seek your intercession and guidance.

Help us to embody the virtues you practiced—humility, charity, and perseverance—in our own lives.

May we, like you, find strength in our spiritual commitments and the courage to face the challenges that come our way.

Guide us to live in harmony with others, to support one another in faith, and to foster a spirit of unity and love.

May we grow in our relationship with God and be strengthened in our own vocation, whether in a monastic setting or in the secular world.

Pray for us that we may live our lives with the same fervor and dedication you showed in your service to Christ and His Church.

For it is only when we die to self that we truly begin to live life to its fullest.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Saint Pachomius, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – Ever heard of the Orthodox rosary called a “komboskini” or “prayer rope”?

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Pachomius of Tabenna – Abbot

Catholic Exchange – St. Pachomius

Catholic Fire – St. Pachomius

Catholic Insights – Saint Pachomius the Great

Catholic Ireland – May 9 – St Pachomius (292-346) founder of communities for monks

Catholic News Agency – St. Pachomius Feast Day: May 09

Catholic Online – St. Pachomius

CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Pachomius of Tabenna, Abbot by Katherine I Rabenstein.

Editions Magnificant – Saint Pachomius Abbot (292-348)

New Advent – Bacchus, F.J.. St. Pachomius. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Independent Catholic News – St Pachomius

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Pacomius, Abbot

Saint for a Minute – Saint Pachomius of Tabenna

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Pachomius (292-348)

uCatholic – Saint Pachomius

Video Link

St.Pachomius,May 9 – YouTube Video (A D Paul)