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May 5

St Jutta of Thuringia - May 5

Saint Jutta (Judith) of Thuringia

Mother, Widow, Laywoman

(Around 1200 – 1260)

“Three things can lead us close to God. They are painful physical suffering, being in exile in a foreign land, and being poor by choice because of love for God.”

Saint Jutta of Thuringia

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Saint’s Life Story

Her Early Life  

 Jutta (or Judith) was born at Sangerhausen in Thuringia, which is now central Germany around 1200.  Little is known of Jutta’s childhood  except that she grew up in a noble family. 

Married and a Mother

Jutta was married at the age of fifteen to a wealthy, young nobleman. As a wife and mother, she tried to emulate Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, and was very generous to the poor.  Although quite wealthy, she lived and dressed simply. Hr piety, charity, and prudence in the management of her household became a shining model for wives and mothers.  Jutta’s holiness served as an inspiring example to her family who followed in her footsteps.


While her husband was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he died quite suddenly. So, Jutta became a widow and a single mother. After the death of her husband, Jutta devoted herself for a time to the care of the sick, especially lepers, and had visions. Once, in a vision, our Lord had said to her, ” Follow me ” ; and she strove not only to obey Him herself, but to lead her household to do the same. The newly widowed Jutta, after taking care to provide for her children, resolved to live in a more austere religious way of life she felt was utterly pleasing to God. 

Became a Third Order of St Francis in Prussia

Like her model, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Jutta became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis – a Secular Franciscan. She disposed of the costly clothes, jewels, and furniture befitting one of her rank. Then, Jutta moved to Prussia where people would not know that she was from a wealthy family. There, she lived as a hermit or anchoress in a little hut. Jutta spent her time praying for the conversion of nonbelievers and for newly baptized Christians to be true to their faith.  She also took care of weary travelers who passed by. Clothed in the habit of the Order, she went out and begged alms, not only for herself but also for other needy persons. 


Jutta died of fever on May 5, 1260 at Kulmsee, Prussia (now eastern Germany). The basics of her holiness included: simplicity, humility, love, kindness, and compassion. She is the patroness of Prussia and of widows.

Born :                  Around 1200 in Sangerhausen, Thuringia (now Germany)

Died:                   May 5, 1260 in Kulmsee, Prussia (now eastern Germany)

Beatified:           Unknown

Canonized:        Unknown

Feast Day:         May 5

Patron Saint:    Prussia; Widows



In Matthew 19:14, Jesus stated “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” So, after her husband’s death, Saint Jutta of Thuringia gave away everything and even moved to another area so people would not know she used to be wealthy. She became a secular Franciscan and devoted her life to caring for the poor while also praying every day. In general, most Catholics in the United States and Canada are quite well off when compared to many people of the rest of the world and we do not use our “riches” appropriately. 

What “riches” can you give away to people you encounter today? While we may not all come from wealthy families or became secular Franciscans, we can pray to God and ask how we can use our wealth (in both time and money) to help others in need.


Saint Jutta of Thuringia, may you intercede to help us understand how we can imitate your example using our “riches” to help our neighbors near and far who may not be as well off as us – materially, physcially and spiritually. Jesus, please open our eyes and heart to opportunities to shine your light of hope and faith to those in need around us.

Saint Jutta of Thuringia, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Catholic Fire – St. Judith of Prussia, Patroness of Widows

Catholic Online – St. Jutta

Franciscan Media – Blessed Jutta of Thuringia

Go To Mary – Saint Jutta of Kulmsee

Independent Catholic News – St Jutta Celebrated on May 5th

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Jutta, Widow

Roman Catholic Saints – Saint Judith of Prussia

Sacred Heart Parish, Seward AL – Saint of the Day – Saint Judith of Prussia

Saint for a Minute – Saint Judith of Prussia


Video Link

St Jutta of Thuringia – Franciscan Saint of the Day – YouTube (franciscanfriars)