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March 5

St John of the Cross - March 5

Saint John Joseph of the Cross
Franciscan Priest

Doubt not. Trust in God. He will provide.”

Saint John Joseph of the Cross
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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life

Carlo Gaetano Calosirto was born on August 15, 1654 on the island of Ischia off the coast of Naples, Italy. He was a pious and virtuous child. Even as a child, he devoted himself to poverty and fasting. He wore the clothes of the poor, despite the fact that he was a noble.

Franciscan at 16

Before the age of 16, Carlo joined the Franciscans in Naples and quickly became known for his devout and ascetic lifestyle. There, he assumed the religious name of “John Joseph of the Cross”. Early on, John was inspired by the reform movement of Saint Peter Alcantara, who sought to make the Franciscan Order more devoted to penance and austerity.

Recognizing John’s holiness and dedication, his superiors appointed him to establish a new friary even before he was ordained. So, in 1674, John was sent to found a friary at Afila, in Piedmont. Here, he helped to build the friary with his own hands. Taking on various roles within the work crew, he humbly served as a hod carrier and later as a mason.

Ordained Priest and Novice Master

After his ordination, John Joseph continued to display exceptional holiness and was appointed as novice master, superior, and eventually provincial of the Order. As Novice Master, John became an excellent model and mentor to them evidenced by his gentleness, attentiveness to their needs, and even temperament. As superior, he demonstrated charity and humility, always insisting on performing the lowliest tasks in the community. For example, he insisted on working in the kitchen or carrying the wood and water needed by the friars.

As superior, John ordered that no beggar should be dismissed from the convent gate without some form of relief: in times of need he devoted to their necessities his own portions and even that of the convent he lived at. John was known to enter into moments of ecstasy and exhibit extraordinary phenomena such as levitation and bilocation. Living a life of deep prayer and penance, John was always seeking to draw closer to God. Embracing self-denial and detachment from worldly comforts, John dedicated himself to a rigorous lifestyle.

Vicar Provincial

In 1702, John was appointed Vicar Provincial of the Alcantarine Reform Order in the Italian peninsula. He was blessed with the gift of miracles and people with every form of illness were brought to him for healing. In addition, John was also blessed with the supernatural gift of prophecy. He had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and encouraged others to cultivate this devotion. When John trekked across the mainland as the provincial he would not make himself known at the inns where he lodged because he disliked distinction and did not believe such should be paid to him.

However, when his term as Vicar Provincial expired, John willingly pursued a life of hearing confessions and practicing mortification.

His Death

John died on March 5, 1734, in Ischia, Naples, Italy, having lived a life of extraordinary faith and virtue. His exemplary life of self-discipline and holiness impacted many, becoming a source of inspiration for countless individuals seeking to deepen their relationship with God.


Born:                   August 15, 1654 in Ischia, Naples, Italy

Died:                   March 5, 1734, in Ischia, Naples, Italy

Beatified:           May 24, 1789 by Pope Pius VI

Canonized:        May 26, 1839 by Pope Gregory XV

Feast Day:          February 27

Patron Saint:    Ischia, Italy; Naples, Italy



One of the most striking aspects of Saint John Joseph of the Cross’ life was his deep humility. Though he was given positions of authority within his religious community, he never sought power or recognition. Instead, he led by example, choosing to serve his fellow friars with love and patience. His life reminds us that true leadership is found in selfless service, and that holiness does not come from status but from surrendering to God’s will in all things.

Am I truly humble in my interaction with others? Do I seek to serve rather than be served? Is my heart open to God’s will, even in small, unnoticed acts of kindness and sacrifice?


Saint John Joseph of the Cross,

You were a humble servant of God and faithful follower of Saint Francis, living a life of deep prayer, sacrifice, and charity.

Though honored with leadership, you remained humble, serving others with love and patience.

Pray for us, that we may grow in humility, seeking not our own will, but the will of God in all things.

Teach us to embrace our daily crosses with joy, trusting in the mercy and goodness of the Lord.

Through your example of selfless love and unwavering faith, help us to follow Christ more closely each day, so that we may one day rejoice with you in heaven.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Saint John Joseph of the Cross, pray for us! Amen.

Saint Links 

America Needs Fatima – Saint John Joseph of the Cross

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 5 March – St John Joseph of the Cross OFM (1654-1734)

Catholic Exchange – St. John Joseph of the Cross

Catholic Insight – Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Catholic Online – St. John Joseph of the Cross

CatholicSaints.Info – Life of Saint John Joseph of the Cross, 1654–1734

Dynamic Catholic – Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Editions Magnificat – Saint John Joseph of the Cross Confessor, Priest, Franciscan Friar (1654-1734)

Franciscan Media – Saint John Joseph of the Cross 

New Advent – Hess, L. (1910). St. John Joseph of the Cross. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Roman Catholic Saints – John Joseph of the Cross

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint John Joseph of the Cross (1654-1739)

Saints Alive – St. John Joseph of the Cross

The Saint Challenge – St. John Joseph of the Cross – March 5

uCatholic – Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Video Link

March 5th St John Joseph – YouTube (A D Paul)