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December 12

St Jane Frances de Chantal

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Nun, Foundress New Order

(1572- 1641)​

“Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to him. That is all the doing you have to worry about.

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

Her Mom Died Early

Jane Frances de Chantal was born in Dijon, France on January 28, 1572, the daughter of Bénigne Frémyot and his wife, Margaret de Berbisey. Her brother André became the Archbishop of Bourges from 1602 to 1621. Her mother died when Jane was 18 months old. Her father became the main influence on her education. She developed into a woman of beauty and refinement.

Married and then a Widow

Jane married Baron Christopher de Chantal when she was 20. She lived in a castle of Bourbilly and hosted hunting and other entertainments for the neighboring nobles. Their first two children died shortly after birth. She had six children by the time he died in a hunting accident in 1601. Left a widow at 28, with four children, the broken-hearted baroness took a vow of chastity.

Saint Francis de Sales Her Spiritual Advisor

She was deeply affected by Saint Francis de Sales when she heard him preach in 1604 and convinced him to be her spiritual director. She wanted to enter the Carmelites, but he convinced her to not do so. In 1607, he explained his concept of a new congregation that he wished to find.

Founded a New Order

After making provisions for her children and putting her affairs in order, Jane, Mary Faure, Charlotte de Brechard, and a servant Anne Costa were clothed by Saint Francis de Sales in a house on the shores of Lake Annecy and the Congregation of the Visitation was founded. This new order was for young girls and widows desiring to follow the religious life but unable to follow the severe ascetic life that was customary in religious houses of that time.

Her Order Spread

Despite numerous difficulties, the order spread all over France. In the next three decades, Jane founded more than sixty convents before dying at Moulins, France on December 13, 1641, after her return from a trip to Paris to visit Queen Anne. For Jane and her nuns, Saint Francis de Sales wrote his spiritual classic On the Love of God.

Her Death

Jane was buried in the Convent of the Visitation at Annecy near Saint Francis de Sales. She was canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.

Born:                  January 28, 1572 in Dijon, France

Died:                  December 13, 1641 in Moulins, France

Beatified:          November 21, 1751 by Pope Benedict XIV

Canonized:       July 16, 1767 by Pope Clement XIII

Feast Day:        December 12 (US), August 12 (rest of the world)

Patron Saint:   Forgotten People; Parents Separated From Their Children; Widows



You know how difficult it is to forgive someone. Can you image forgiving someone who killed your spouse? Saint Jane Frances de Chantal did exactly that and forgave the man who killed her husband.

Can you learn to forgive a particular person in your life who has caused you harm?  Pray to God for you to take the same steps of forgiveness that Saint Jane Frances de Chantal took and welcome this person back into your life. 


Saint Jane Frances de Chantal,

You served God both in marriage and in religious life.

By your prayers, help us to be faithful in our vocation (whatever it may be) and always to be the light of the world.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

A Dictionary Of Saintly Women, Volume 1 by Agnes B. C. Dunbar – St. Jane

Aleteia – St. Jane Frances de Chantal’s perfect advice for parents

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Catholic Culture – Learning from the saints: Jane de Chantal revisited

Catholic Exchange – St. Jane Frances de Chantal

Catholic Fire – St. Jane Frances de Chantal’s perfect advice for parents

Catholic Ireland  – Aug 12 – St Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641): co-founder

Catholic News Agency – Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Feast Day: Aug 12

Independent Catholic News – St Jane Frances de Chantal

Franciscan Media – Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Loyola Press – Saint Jane Frances de Chantal Feast Day August 12

My Catholic Life – Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious

Newman Ministry – St Jane Frances de Chantal

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow, Co-Foundress of the Order of the Visitation

Saint for a Minute – Saint Jeanne De Chantal

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

Saint Resources – Jane Frances de Chantal

Video Link

St. Jane Frances de Chantal – YouTube