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November 8

Saint Godrey of Amiens - November 8

Saint Godfrey of Amiens


(Around 1066 – 1115)

“God forbid I should ever desert a poor bride by
  preferring a rich one!

Saint Godfrey of Amiens, refused archbishop of Rheims, who asked him to take over the famous Abbey of Saint-Remi at Rheims

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Saint’s Life Story

Educated in Benedictine Abbey 

Godfrey was born in Soissons, France around 1066 to his father, a noble citizen. When his mother died, his father decided to take up the monastic life. Godfrey taken at the age of five, by his uncle, the Bishop of Soissons, who sent him to be educated in the Benedictine abbey of Mont-Saint-Quentin where his godfather Godefroid was abbot. While at Saint Quentin, Godfrey was given the charge of the sick, and appointed hospitaller, to receive the poor at the gate. In his youth, Godfrey always gave the better part of his meals to the poor. Sometimes, he did not make his appearance at all in the refectory, spending his time in private prayer and often spending a great part of the night in prayer.   

Ordained and Became Abbot

At the age of 25, Godfrey was ordained priest by the Bishop of Noyon and became the abbot of the Abbey of Nogent-sous-Coucy, Champagne in 1096  in the Diocese of Rheims,. When he arrived, the place was overrun by weeds housed only six nuns and two children., but Godfrey rebuilt it, establishing a hostel for pilgrims.

Refused Abbacy of Saint Remi

Godfrey was offered the Abbacy of Saint-Remi, but he refused.   In 1097, he was also offered the Bishopric of Reims.  But again, Godfrey refused, claiming he was unworthy.   When Godfrey was offered the Bishopric of Amiens in 1104, he still considered himself unworthy of the trust.   However, King Philip and the Council of Troyes each, ordered him to accept the honor.

Bishop of Amiens

Godfrey was noted for his rigid austerity with himself, those around him and in his approach to his mission as  Bishop.  He was an enforcer of clerical celibacy.   Godfrey was also a fierce lifelong opponent of drunkenness and simony, which led to an attempt on his life.

For most of his time as Bishop, Godfrey wished to resign and retire as a Carthusian monk. Godfrey took part in the Council of Chálons.  In 1114, he moved to a monastery, but a few months later his people petitioned for his return. Godfrey bowed to their request.

Cared for Poor and Sick 

As bishop, Godfrey did not cease to take care of the poor and the sick. When some lepers came to him, Godfrey commanded his cook to prepare food for them. However, four hours later nothing had yet been done. So Godfrey himself went to the kitchen and found a large, prepared salmon which he took to the famished lepers. The cook remonstrated with Godfrey, and he told the cook that it was an injustice to allow the poor to die of hunger while unworthy bishops enjoyed food that was too succulent.

His Death

As Godfrey was going to Rheims to confer with his metropolitan upon certain matters of importance, he was taken ill of a fever on the road. Godfreyg received the holy sacraments and joyfully departed to our Lord on November 8, 1115, in the Abbey of St Crispin at Soissons, France. Godfrey was buried at the abbey and his tomb became renowned for the many miracles wrought there.

Born:                  Around 1066 in Soissons, France

Died:                  November 8, 1115 in Soissons, France

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:         November 8

Patron Saint:    None



As Bishop, Saint Godfrey of Amiens became known for his deep compassion, charity, and commitment to reform. He worked tirelessly to address the spiritual and material needs of his diocese, showing particular concern for the poor and oppressed. He used his own resources to build hospitals, care for the sick, and provide for the needy. His pastoral care extended beyond mere acts of charity; he sought to reform the clergy and laity alike, striving to create a more just and holy society. He was known for his courage in confronting corruption and immorality, not only in his diocese but also among the nobility and clergy.

Do you care deeply for the well-being of the Lord’s flock in your family, friends, and neighbors? Are you willing to confront difficult truths to lead them closer to God?


Saint Godfrey of Amiens,

You were a devoted bishop and protector of the poor who gave your life to serving others with compassion and love.

Grant us the grace to follow your example caring for the needy and to act with courage in the face of injustice.

Help us to be instruments of God’s mercy, sharing His love with those who are lost and in need.

Cultivating a life of prayer and trusting in God’s guidance.

Guide us in our journey toward holiness so that we may faithfully fulfill the roles God has given us.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Saint Godfrey of Amiens, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Godfrey

America Needs Fatima – Saint Godfrey of Amiens

Anastpaul – Saint of the Day – 8 November – Saint Godfrey of Amiens OSB (1066–1115)

Catholic Exchange – St. Godfrey

Catholic News Agency – St. Godfrey of Amiens Feast Day: Nov 08

CatholicSaints.Info – Saint Godfrey of Amiens

Living in Faith – St. Godfrey of Amiens

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Godfrey, Bishop of Amiens

Saint for a Minute – Saint Godfrey of Amiens

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Godfrey (c.1066-c.1115)


Video Link

Saint Godfrey Geoffrey, Bishop of Amiens (Nov 8) – YouTube Video (Catherine Weeks)