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September 24

St Gerard Sagredo - September 24

Saint Gerard Sagredo
Bishop, Martyr
“Apostle of Hungary”
(980 – 1046)

“Lord, lay not this to their charge; for they know not what they do.”

Saint Gerard Sagredo praying on his knews saying right before his martyrdom

His Early Years

Gerard was born in Venice, Italy on April 23, 980 in a noble family. Gerard’s father, who was also named Gerard, and mother, Catherine, had awaited his birth for three years. They baptized their son George because he was born on the feast of Saint George (April 23).

After a serious illness, Gerard was sent to the Benedictine San Giorgio Maggiore Abbey in Venice, Italy at the age of five. His recovery was attributed to the prayers of the Benedictine monks of the San Giorgio Maggiore Abbey.

Elected Abbot

After the founding abbot of the monastery, John Morosini, died in 1012, Gerard was appointed prior to administer the monastery until the new abbot, Guglielmo, was elected. Guglielmo sent Gerard to Bologna, Italy to study grammar, music, philosophy and law.

Although he had been opposed to his election, Gerard was made abbot at the San Giorgio Maggiore Abbey in Venice, Italy.

Meets with King Saint Stephen of Hungary

Wanting to follow the example of Saint Jerome, Gerard left for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. After talking with Maurus, bishop of Pécs, and Anastasius, Abbot of Pécsvárad, in Pécs, Gerard was convinced to meet King Saint Stephen of Hungary in Székesfehérvár. During their meeting, Saint Stephen of Hungary emphasized that Hungary was the most suitable place for Gerard “to serve God” and minister to the Magyars, promising that he would authorize Gerard to preach anywhere in Hungary. Finally, Gerard accepted Stephen’s proposal and decided to stay in Hungary.

Tutor for Prince Saint Emeric

Gerard was made the tutor of Stephen’s son and heir, Prince Saint Emeric. After Saint Emeric’s education was completed, Gerard settled in the Bakony Hills in Transdanubia, Hungary to live as a hermit. Gerard lived as a hermit for seven years.

Bishop of Csanád

King Saint Stephen of Hungary summoned Gerard from his hermitage and made him bishop of the newly established Diocese of Csanád in 1035. Gerard was a missionary bishop, tasked with the conversion of the pagan inhabitants of his diocese. In addition, people came to Gerard asking him to baptize them “in the name of the Holy Trinity”.

During a travel from Csanád to the royal court in Székesfehérvár or Esztergom, Gerard stayed in a manor where a woman was singing while making flour on a grinder. Gerard referred to the music as the “symphonia Ungarorum” (or “drum of the Hungarians”), associating the sound of the grinder with a drum roll.

His Martyrdom

During the pagan reaction to the death of King Saint Stephen of Hungary, Gerard was martyred in Buda, Hungary on on September 24, 1046. On that day, he was stoned and pierced by spears, locked in a barrel and thrown into the Danube River from the top of a hill that today is called “Gellerthegy” – “Mount of San Gerard” – all because Gerard had refused to crown idolatrous kings.

Gerard wrote several works among which the “Commentary on Daniel” is the most higly revered. He is considered the Apostle and Protomartyr of Hungary.

Born :                   April 23, 980 in Venice, Italy

Died:                    September 24, 1046 age 66 in Buda, Hungary

Beatified:            Unknown

Canonized:         1083 by Pope Gregory VII

Feast Day:          September 24

Patron Saint:     Budapest, Hungary; Diocese of Zrenjanin, Serbia; Hungary; Tutors



Saint Gerard Sagredo embarked on a spiritual journey that transcended borders from his early years in Venice Italy. As a Benedictine monk, he immersed himself in the monastic life, seeking the profound connection with God that characterized his every action. On a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Gerard’s path took an unexpected turn meeting Saint Stephen of Hungary who convinced him to convert the pagans in Hungary. There, Gerard was appointed as the Bishop of Csanád. Charged with shepherding a new flock, he embraced the challenges with a heart full of love and devotion. In a world marked by uncertainty and turmoil, Gerard’s commitment to the Gospel shone as a beacon of hope culminating in his martyrdom.

While many of us will not meet up with a canonized saint like Saint Gerard Sagredo did, how can our walk in faith provide unwavering strength to illuminate even the darkest corners of the lives of all we meet today?



Saint Gerard Sagredo,

As Bishop of Csanád, you embraced your calling with love and fortitude, guiding your flock through the uncertainties of the world.

In the face of persecution, you stood firm, a beacon of faith, sacrificing your life for the sake of the Gospel.

May your example inspire us to live our lives in service to God and others, with a heart full of love and devotion.

May we find hope even in the midst of adversity and may our lives reflect the glory of God.

Saint Gerard Sagredo, pray for us, Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – The great saints who built Hungary

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 24 September – Saint Gerard Sagredo OSB (980-1046) Bishop and Martyr, “The Apostle of Hungary”

Bartleby – Rev. Alban Butler Volume IX: September. The Lives of the Saints. 1866 September 24. St. Gerard, Bishop of Chonad, Martyr

Catholic Online – St. Gerard Sagredo

Cradling Catholic – Meet St. Gerard Sagredo; Bishop and Martyr

Find a Grave – Gerard Sagredo

Video Link

St Gerard Sagredo – Saint of the Day with Fr Lindsay – 24 Sept 2022 – YouTube (St Francis Xavier – SPRING of FAITH)

Saint of the Day — September 24 — Saint Gerard Sagredo – YouTube (Smith with you)