February 27

Saint Gabriel Of Our Lady of Sorrows
Or Saint Gabriel Possenti
“Love Mary! She is loveable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme. If you are in danger, she will hasten to free you. If you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her. She comes quickly and opens her merciful heart to you, embraces you and consoles and serves you. She will even be at hand to accompany you on the trip to eternity.”
Saint Gabriel Of Our Lady of Sorrows
Saint’s Life Story
Early Life: A Privileged Upbringing
Francesco Possenti was born on March 1, 1838, in Assisi, Italy. He was the eleventh child of thirteen children. His parents, Sante Possenti and Agnes Frisciotti, raised him in a devout Catholic family. Francisco was baptized on the day of his birth, in the same font in which Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Clare of Assisi had been baptized. He was named after Saint Francis.
His father was a government official and lawyer. Francis grew up in an environment of privilege and education.
After losing his mother at the age of four, Francis moved with his family to Spoleto. Here, he was educated at the Christian Brothers school. After this school, Francis was educated by the Jesuits in the town’s college and there excelled, particularly in Latin.
A Vain Charmer
As a teenager, he was known for his charm, love of elegant clothing, and enjoyment of social gatherings. Francis was so passionately devoted to worldly pleasures that his friends referred to him as “il damerino” (‘the ladies’ man’). He was well-liked and esteemed in the world for his refined courtesy, amiability, distinguished manners and ardent spirit. He had two defects: He was impetuous by temperament and inclined to vanity.
However, despite his worldly interests, he maintained a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and frequently felt drawn to religious life.
His Calling to Religious Life
Francis suffered severe illnesses during his youth and promised to dedicate his life to God if he recovered. Despite returning to health, he initially hesitated to follow through on his vow. However, in 1856, during a Marian procession in Spoleto, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. He felt that Our Lady was personally calling him. So, soon after, Francis desired to leave behind his former life to join the Passionist Order, most likely based on his personal devotion to the Passion of Christ.
However, his father refused to give him permission to leave for the Passionists and enlisted several relatives to dissuade Francis. There were unsuccessful.
Since, there were no Passionist houses near Spoleto, Francis set out, accompanied by his brother Aloysius, a Dominican friar, for the novitiate of the Passionists at Morrovalle, Italy. They both arrived at the novitiate on September 19, 1856. Upon entering the Passionist novitiate, Francis received the habit and took the name Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, reflecting his intense devotion to the Sorrowful Mother.
A Life of Prayer, Suffering, and Holiness
As a Passionist religious, Gabriel embraced a life of extreme discipline, prayer, and penance. There was nothing extraordinary about him except his fidelity to prayer, his love of mortification, and his joyfulness of spirit. Gabriel focused on meditating on Christ’s Passion and the Sorrows of Mary, seeking to unite his suffering with Christ’s. He became known for his humility, joy, and kindness toward others, despite his own struggles.
Throughout his life, Gabriel did not experience significant events or controversies, but rather immersed himself in the simplicity of a contemplative life. Despite his short existence, he left an enduring spiritual impact on those who knew him and those influenced by his example.
His Death
At the age of 23, Gabriel contracted tuberculosis and endured immense suffering with unwavering faith. Before his ordination to the Priesthood, he died on February 27, 1862 in Abruzzi, Italy.
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows is regarded as the Patron Saint of Young People, Students, and Clerics. He is also the patron saint of gun owners, due to a legend that he once scared off with a handgun a band of Garibaldi Red Shirts, that, Italian revolutionaries who were threatening the monastery and village.
Numerous miracles were attributed to him after his death, including the miraculous cure of Saint Gemma Galgani when she fervently prayed for his intervention. His shrine in Isola del Gran Sasso, Italy, attracts thousands of pilgrims annually. His life serves as a testament to the power of grace, conversion, and devotion to Our Lady.
Born: March 1, 1838, in Assisi, Italy
Died: February 27, 1862 in Abruzzi, Italy
Beatified: May 31, 1908 by Pope Pius X
Canonized: May 13, 1920 by Pope Benedict XV
Feast Day: February 27
Patron Saint: Abruzzi, Italy; Catholic Action; Clerics, Gun Owners; Students; Young People
Gabriel’s deep devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary shaped his spirituality. He meditated daily on Our Lady’s suffering at the foot of the Cross, drawing strength from her example of faith and perseverance. Through his love for Mary, he learned to embrace suffering with peace, recognizing it as a path to holiness.
Do I turn to Mary in my times of suffering? Do I ask her to help me unite my struggles with Christ’s Passion?
Saint Gabriel Of Our Lady of Sorrows,
You who found strength in the sorrows of Mary, help us to embrace our sufferings with patience and love, uniting them to the Passion of Christ for the salvation of souls.
Intercede for us so that we may grow in holiness, humility, and love for God.
Inspire young people to seek purity and joy in following Christ, and strengthen us in times of trial.
O gentle and faithful servant of Mary, lead us ever closer to her maternal heart, so that through her, we may come to love Jesus more deeply.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Saint Gabriel Of Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us. Amen.
Saint Links
Aleteia – Meet Gabriel: A ladies’ man turned saint
Catholic Culture – St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Catholic Exchange – Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows: Another Little Saint
Catholic Fire – St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Catholic Insight – Saint Gabriel Possenti – God, Prayer…and Guns?
Catholic Online – St. Gabriel Francis of Our Lady of Sorrows
CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (Possenti) – by Katherine I Rabenstein
Dynamic Catholic – Saint Gabriel Possenti
Editions Magnificant – Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows Passionist (1838-1862)
Father Z – 27 Feb – St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows: Patron of seminarians, hand-gunners, marksmen
Franciscan Media – Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Independent Catholic News – St Gabriel Possenti
Loyola Press – Saint Gabriel Francis Possenti Feast Day February 28
New Advent – Devine, A. (1909). Bl. Gabriel Possenti. In The Catholic Encyclopedia
Passionists – St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira – St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows February 27
RC Spirituality (Uncle Eddy) – St Gabriel Possenti of Our Lady of Sorrows
Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (1838-1862)
Saints Alive – St. Gabriel Possenti
St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Saint of the Day – St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows February 27 by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
uCatholic – Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Video Link
Cradio Saint of the Day: Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows – YouTube (CatholicSaints.Info)