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December 3

Saint Francis Xavier Conversion of Paravas in 1542 - December 3

Saint Francis Xavier

Priest, Missionary

“Apostle of East Indies”

(1506 – 1552)

“Many, many people hereabouts are not becoming Christians for one reason only: there is nobody to make them Christians.

Saint Francis Xavier

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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life in Spain 

Francis Xavier was born on April 7, 1506 at the family castle of Xavier near Pamplona in Javier, Navarre (present day Spain) to a Spanish-Basque family.  At age 18, he went to study philosophy at the University of Paris. Four years later, Francis received his doctorate. 

Started Jesuits with Saint Ignatious of Loyola

While at the university, Francis met Saint Ignatious of Loyola. Despite initial opposition to Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s ideas, Francis was won over and he was one of seven Jesuits who took their vows at Montmarte in 1534. Franics was ordained in 1537 in Venice, Italy. 

Pope Approves of Society of Jesus Order

In 1540, Francis went with Saint Ignatius to Rome, where the Pope formally approved the Society of Jesus order. In that same year, Francis and Father Simon Rodriguez were sent as the first missionaries to the East Indies. They both stopped off at Lisbon, Portugal where King Juan (John) III kept them as guest. Francis left for the Orient on April 7, 1541 with an appointment from the Pope as apostolic nuncio to the Indies.

Missionary in Goa

Thirteen months later in May 1542, Francis arrived in Goa and spent the next 5 months preaching and ministering to the sick and imprisoned as well as teaching children. Francis worked to correct the immorality of the Portuguese there, especially denouncing the practice of concubinage so prevalent in the city among Westerners. 

Missionary Travels Continue 

Francis then spent 3 years at Cape Comorin at the southern tip of India opposite Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Francis ministered to the Paravas, baptizing them by the thousands. He was more successful among the lower castes of Indian society than the upper (or Brahman) caste. Francis and the other Jesuits experienced much difficulties among the Portuguese and Europeans whose exploitation of the native population they found unacceptable. Francis travels included Malacca in 1545, Moluccas, near New Guinea and Morotai, near the Philippines in 1546 through 1547. 

Missionary Work in Japan

In 1549, Francis travels via ship took him to Japan. He studied Japanese at Kagoshima and then set out to Kyoto. Through 1551, he taught and drew many converts. Francis became the first provincial of India and the East in 1551. Francis left the local community in the hands of a Portuguese priest and left Japan in 1552. In addition to his time in India, he also ventured to the East Indies and Japan, baptizing over 40,000 converts.

His Death

Francis set out for China, where he had always dreamed of evangelizing, in 1552. He first went to Goa and then embarked for China, where foreigners were forbidden. Francis landed on the island of Sancian, China while awaiting for the Chinese junk that was to take him secretly to China. However he fell ill and died in a small hut on the island on December 2, 1552 before he ever could enter the mainland of China.

“Apostle of East Indies”

Francis’ body was taken back to Goa, where it is enshrined in the church of the Good Jesus. Francis is called the “Apostle of Japan” and the “Apostle of the East Indies”. He was declared patron all foreign missions by Pope Saint Pius X and his feast day is December 3.

Born:                     April 7, 1506 in Javier, Navarre (present day Spain)

Died:                     December 2, 1552 in Sancian, China

Beatified:             October 25, 1619 by Pope Paul V

Canonized:          March 12, 1622 by Pope Gregory XV

Feast Day:           December 3

Patron Saint:      Australia; Borneo; China; East Indies; Foreign Missions; India; Indonesia; Japan; New Zealand; Pakistan; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Xaverian Brothers



Saint Francis Xavier’s life is a testament to the extraordinary zeal that can ignite a profound missionary spirit. He was a close companion of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, with whom he co-founded the Society of Jesus. When he was sent as a missionary to the East, his passion for spreading the Gospel led him to travel extensively throughout Asia, including India, Japan, and the islands of Southeast Asia. He tirelessly preached the message of Christ, often under harsh conditions, and baptized thousands of converts. His life challenges us to examine our own commitment to sharing the faith, reminding us that the Gospel is meant to be shared with all people, regardless of the challenges that may arise.

How can you use your precious gift of time today “evangelizing” through the example of your life’s actions to others around you?


Saint Francis Xavier,

You who are the Patron of missionaries and apostle of the Far East and traveled to distant lands to bring the light of Christ,

Teach us to be courageous in sharing our faith and to proclaim the Gospel with love and compassion.

Grant us the grace to persevere in the face of difficulties and to trust in God’s providence as you did in your journeys.

Help us to embrace the diversity of all peoples and to see Christ in everyone we meet.

Guide us in our missionary efforts, whether near or far, that we may be faithful witnesses to the love of God.

Inspire us to live lives of prayer and service, drawing others closer to the heart of Jesus.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – St. Francis Xavier encourages us to love God for only one reason

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 3 December – St Francis Xavier SJ (1506-1552) – One of the greatest Missionaries since St Paul

Angelus – Saint of the day: Francis Xavier

Catholic Fire – St. Francis Xavier: A Missionary on Fire for the Faith

Catholic Ireland – Dec 3 – St Francis Xavier (1506-52) Jesuit missionary

Catholic News Agency – St. Francis Xavier

Editions Magnificant – Saint Francis Xavier Jesuit Missionary to the Orient (1506-1552)

Franciscan Media – Saint Francis Xavier

Ignatian Spirituality – St. Francis Xavier, SJ (1506–1552)

Independent Catholic News – St Francis Xavier

Loyola Press – Saint Francis Xavier, 1506-1552 Feast Day December 3

New Advent – Astrain, A. (1909). St. Francis Xavier. In The Catholic Encyclopedia.

Newman Ministry – Saint Francis Xavier

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Francis Xavier

Saints Alive – St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552)

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552)

uCatholic – Saint Francis Xavier

Wikipedia – Francis Xavier

Video Link

St. Francis Xavier – YouTube (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – USA)