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November 29

St. Francesco Antonio Fasani - November 29

​Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani
“Padre Maestro” (“Father Master”)
(1681 – 1742)

“The Will of God – that is my Paradise.

Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

His Life

Francesco was born on August 6 1681 in Lucera, Foggia, Puglia, Italy to his poor peasant parents – Giuseppe Fasani and Isabella della Monaca. His parents had the joy of seeing their “Giovanniello” (this was the name they gave him at Baptism) grow up endowed with promising moral and intellectual gifts. Sadly, he lost his father at the age of nine.

Franciscan Friar

In 1695, Francesco entered the Conventual Franciscans in his town when he was just 14 years old. He took the names of Saints Francis and Anthony, thus expressing his fervent desire to follow their example by consecrating himself to an evangelical and apostolic life. Professing his vows in 1696, the young Friar Francis Anthony completed his liberal arts studies and followed with his philosophical studies in the seminaries of his religious province. Thereafter, he began theological studies in Agnone and continued them in the General Study Center at Assisi near the tomb of St. Francis. It was there that Francis Anthony was ordained to the priesthood in 1705. Then, in 1707, he completed his theological studies.

After his ordination 10 years later, he taught philosophy to younger friars, served as guardian of his friary, and later became provincial minister. When his term of office ended, Francesco became master of novices and finally pastor in his hometown at the convent of Lucera. Francis Anthony progressed in a life of union with God, patterning himself on the Lord through religious consecration and the priestly charism.

From 1707 until his death, Francis Anthony continued to live at Lucera for thirty-five years, always giving splendid witness to the gospel life and zealous pastoral ministry. For this reason he was admired by the faithful of Lucera and all of Daunia and Molise.

In 1709 at the College of Saint Bonaventure in Rome, Francis Anthony received a graduate degree in theology and from that time on Father Fasani was known to all as “Padre Maestro” (“Father Master”), a title which is still attributed to him today in Lucera. He exercised the offices of local superior and minister provincial with charity and wisdom, demonstrating that he was and effective animator of the religious life of the brethren. He was also a mystic, known for his deep prayer life and supernatural gifts.

The spiritual life of Francis Anthony was characterized by those virtues that made him like his Seraphic Father, Saint Francis of Assisi. In fact, it was said in Lucera: “Whoever wants to see how St. Francis looked while he was alive should come to see Padre Maestro.” In imitation of St. Francis, Francis Anthony built his religious life on the basis of a generous participation in the mysteries of Christ through the most faithful practice of perfect charity. In his constant prayers, inflamed with love, he called out to God, saying to Him: “O Highest Love, Immense Love, Eternal Love, Infinite Love.”

The poor, the sick, and the imprisoned held a privileged place in his pastoral activities. Motivated by his ideal of gospel charity (“We must be charitable.”), he loved to pray with the poor and for them. Every day he personally distributed to the poor the alms of his religious community and very often he gave them as well gifts and special goods gathered from benefactors.

Francis Anthony dedicated himself with zeal-especially the administration of the sacrament of Penance and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. He was a sought-after confessor and preacher. “He heard the confession of every type of person,” asserted a witness, “with the greatest patience and kindness on his face”. He was charitable and welcoming to all, giving as his reason the hope of being able one day to say to the Lord: “I was indulgent, I don’t deny it but it was You who taught me to be so.” One witness at the canonical hearings regarding Francesco’s holiness testified, “In his preaching he spoke in a familiar way, filled as he was with the love of God and neighbor; fired by the Spirit, he made use of the words and deed of Holy Scripture, stirring his listeners and moving them to do penance.”

His Death

On November 29, 1742 in Lucera, Foggia, Puglia, Italy, Francis Anthony died and returned his soul to God in the friary of the city where he was born and where, for thirty-five years, he showed himself a faithful witness to Christ. He was buried at the church of San Francesco di Lucera, where his tomb became a place of veneration and prayer. Upon the news of his death, children could be heard running through the streets shouting, “The saint is dead! The saint is dead!”

Born:                   August 6 1681 in Lucera, Foggia, Puglia, Italy

Died:                   November 29, 1742 in Lucera, Foggia, Puglia, Italy

Beatified:           April 15, 1951 by Pope Pius XII

Canonized:        April 13, 1986 by Pope John Paul II

Feast Day:         November 29

Patron Saint:    Lucera, Italy



Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani’s dedicated his life to charity. He was deeply concerned with the well-being of the poor and marginalized. His compassion extended beyond material aid; he offered spiritual guidance and comfort to those in distress, embodying the Franciscan spirit of brotherly love. He wasn’t afraid to ask others for help when he needed to gather food and resources for the hungry. His example challenges us to look beyond ourselves and to serve others selflessly.

What can you do to minister to the poor? Ask the Lord to help you find opportunities to minister to the needy and to never be embarrassed to ask for assistance when you need it.


Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani,

You dedicated your life to serving others with compassion and kindness.

Inspire us to reach out to those in need, offering our time, resources, and love to alleviate their suffering.

Help us to see Christ in everyone we meet and to act with the same generosity and mercy that you showed.

Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

America Needs Fatima – Saint Francis Anthony Fasani

Catholic News Agency – St. Francesco Antonio Fasani Feast day: Nov 27

Catholic Online – St. Francis Fasani

CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Francis Antony of Lucera – by Katherine I Rabenstein

Daily Compass – Saint Francis Anthony Fasani

Daily Prayers – Francis Anthony Fasani

Find a Grave – Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani

Franciscan Media – Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani

Independent Catholic News – St Francesco Antonio Fasani

Melanie Rigney – Francesco Fasani

Roman Catholic Saints – Saint Francis Anthony Fasani

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani (1681-1742)

Wikipedia – Francis Fasani

Video Link

Cradio Saint of the Day: Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani – YouTube (CatholicSaints.Info)