May 4

Saint Florian of Lorch
Layperson, Soldier, Martyr
(Around 250 – Around 304)
“If you wish to know that I am not afraid of your torture, light the fire, and in the name of the Lord I will climb onto it.”
Saint Florian of Lorch
Saint’s Life Story
Life as a Soldier and Firefighter
Officer in the Roman Army
His Martyrdom
The Emperor sent an assistant named Aquilius to the area controlled by Florian to kill all the Christians in the area, and to find out why Florian was not following orders. When he finally met up with Florian… he asked him why he refused to persecute the Christians to which Florian replied, “Tell the Emperor that I am a Christian and will suffer the same fate as the Christians.” Aquilius then offered him a raise and promotion if he would change his mind. Florian refused. Aquilius was outraged and had his soldiers beat him with whips, yet Florian stood steadfast. He told Aquilius that he had suffered many wounds for the Emperor – why not a few scratches for his own beliefs? His courage scared Aquilius who feared that Florian would lead others to rebel.
Did Not Follow Orders
Legendary Final Acts
Patron Saint of Fire Service
About 600 years later, sometime between 900-955, a monastery was erected near Florian’s tomb, and subsequently the village of St. Florian grew up around it. His body, recovered and was eventually removed to the Augustinian Abbey of St. Florian, near Linz. St. Florian was adopted as patron saint of Poland after Pope Lucius III, in 1138, consented to the request of King Saint Casimir of Poland and to the Bishop of Cracow, to send relics of Florian to that country. Since that time, St. Florian has been regarded as a patron of Poland as well as of Linz, Upper Austria and of firemen. Soon after, a person was saved from a fire by invoking St. Florian’s name. Since then, Florian has been invoked against fire and has generally been regarded in most countries as the patron saint of the fire service.
Died: Around 304 in the Enns River in Austria
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
Feast Day: May 4
Patron Saint: Chimney Sweeps;Firefighters; Linz, Austria; Poland
For most of us, we do not face martyrdom when we profess our faith. Imagine being placed in a situation like St. Florian, where you were required to choose between your life and your faith. Saint Florian did actually handed himself over to be killed due to his profession of faith. Saint Florian intercede for us through our daily prayers for those who still cannot openly profess their faith without fear of persecution in many countries throughout the world.
How will you praise Jesus for giving you your faith? Are you thankful for your ability to profess your faith without fear of persecution?
Saint Florian of Lorch,
You had the strength from God to stand up for your faith. You were not being bribed by the earthly riches of a promotion.
Instead, your martyr’s death gained you the eternal everlasting riches of heaven.
May you intercede for us, to help us have the courage to stand up for our faith on our life’s journey.
Saint Florian of Lorch, pray for us. Amen.
Saint Links
Aleteia – Why is St. Florian the patron saint of firefighters?
All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Florian of Lorch
Catholic Online – St. Florian
Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Florian, Martyr
Saint for a Minute – Saint Florian of Lorch, Martyr
Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Florian (d.304)
Saint of the Day – Saint Florian
Wikipedia – Saint Florian
Video Link
St. Florian – YouTube Video (Hall of Flame Fire Museum)