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March 11

Saint Eulogius of Cordoba - March 11

Saint Eulogius of Córdoba

Priest, Martyr

(Early 9th Century – 859)

“Do not be one of the worthless fish that the apostle throws back into the sea, but be reserved for the heavenly banquet.

Saint Eulogius of Córdoba

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

His Family

Eulogius was born in a prominent Christian family in the Moorish occupied Córdoba, Spain. It is not certain on what date or in what year of the 9th century Eulogius was born.   It must have been before 819, because in 848, he was a highly esteemed priest among the Christians of Catalonia and Navarre. Plus priesthood was conferred only on men thirty years of age.  Eulogius had five brothers. They all received an excellent education, thanks to their noble birth. His youngest brother, Joseph, had a position in the high court of Abd-er-Rahman II. Two other brothers, Isidore and Alvarus, were merchants who had large-scale operations that reached as far as central Europe. His sister Niola stayed with her mother and his other sister Anulona was educated from infancy in a monastery where she later became a nun.

Life as A Priest

After completing his studies in the monastery of Saint Zoilus, Eulogius continued to live with his family the better to care for his mother. Eulogius was educated by Abbot Sperando and was finally ordained a priest by Bishop Recared of Cordova. He became noted for his learning and knowledge of Scripture. He also drew up the rules for many of the monasteries of Navarre and Pamplona. Eulogius distinguished himself, by his virtue and learning. As a priest, Eulogius was placed at the head of the chief ecclesiastical school at Cordoba. He joined assiduous fasting and prayer to his studies. His humility, mildness and charity gained him the affection and respect of everyone.

A Prisoner Who Wrote Exhortation to Martyrdom

In 850, Eulogius was imprisoned when the Moors unleashed a persecution of the Christians in Córdoba. While he was in prison, he wrote Exhortation to Martyrdom, for two Christian girls, Saints Flora and Mary, who had been threatened with slavery, but were both beheaded. A few days later Eulogius and the other prisoners were released.

More Writings on Martyrs

The persecution continued and Eulogius was tireless in his encouragement of his dispersed flock of fellow Christians. In 853, another group of Christians were martyred. Eulogius wrote their history in a work entitled Memorial of the Saints, that described the sufferings of the martyred saints to encourage the persecuted Christians. He also wrote Apologia, defending martyrs who sought death by proclaiming their faith. 

Aided Saint Leocritia’s Escape

He was elected archbishop of Toledo, but never occupied that position. Before he was consecrated, Eulogius helped Saint Leocritia escape. She was a young Moorish woman who had converted to Christianity and her parents were irate. At that time, the death penalty was issued for any Moor who became a Christian. Eulogius hid her among friends to protect her.  Unfortunately, she was discovered. 

HIs Arrest and Martyrdom 

In 859, Eulogius himself was arrested because he had protected and hidden the young convert, Saint Leocritia. Eulogius was charged before a judge, who offered to let him off if he would soften his views. But Eulogius began to proclaim the Gospel to the court.  So, to silence him, the judge hastily condemned him to death. Eulogius was taken out and beheaded on the spot on March 11, 859 in Córdoba, Spain. Saint Leocritia was also beheaded four days later. Eulogius is buried in the Cathedral of Oviedo in Spain.

Born:                  9th Century in Córdoba, Spain

Died:                  March 11, 859 in Córdoba, Spain

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          March 11

Patron Saint:     Carpenters; Coppersmiths



Saint Eulogius was chosen for the prominent position of Archbishop of Toledo. However, Saint Eulogius’ continued devotion to Christ kept him humble. He served his Lord in the most mighty way. Not only did Saint Eulogius live the life of a Christian, but he also sacrificed his life for his faith going out to protect a new Christian, Saint Leocritia, from the persecuting Moors. This act of kindness cost Saint Eulogius his life as  he was arrested and beheaded.

Do you ever give in to your Catholic beliefs to gain a powerful position? Next time you have the opportunity to shower someone with kindness, remember that the cost of that act will mostly likely not be as costly as what Saint Eulogius paid for his act of kindness.


Saint Eulogius of Córdoba,

You gave your life for the sake of the Gospel, enduring suffering and death rather than denying your Lord.

Help us to embrace our own crosses with the same faith and trust, knowing that through our trials, we are united with Christ.

Guide us in our journey of faith, that we may remain true to the teachings of the Church, and boldly proclaim the love and mercy of God to a world in need of His light.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Saint Eulogius of Córdoba, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Anastpaul – St Eulogius (Died 857) Priest and Martyr

Catholic Culture – St. Eulogius of Cordoba, Spain

Catholic Exchange – Saint Eulogius of Cordova

Catholic Fire – Feast of St. Eulogius, Martyr

Editions Magnificant – Saint Eulogius Martyr († 859)

Loyola Press – Saint Eulogius of Cordoba Feast Day March 11

New Advent Fita y Colomé, F. (1909). St. Eulogius of Cordova. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Eulogius of Cordoa, Martyr

Saint for a Minute – Saint Eulogius of Cordoba

Wikipedia – Eulogius of Córdoba

Video Link

St. Eulogius Of Cordoba – YouTube (St Francis Xavier – SPRING of FAITH)