January 25

Saint Dwynwen
Nun. Hermitess
(Unknown – Around 460)
“Nothing wins hearts like cheerfulness.”
Saint Dwynwen
Saint’s Life Story
Daughter of a Welsh King
Dwynwen’s birth date is unknown in the 5th century. She was a beautiful, pious and virtuous daughter of the 5th century Welsh king, Brychan of Brecknock.
The Love Story Legend
Maelon Dafodrill, the son of a neighbouring king, fell in love with her, and wished to marry her. Though Dwynwen returned his love, her heart was set on becoming a nun. So, she rejected him. Maelon went to ask the king for Dwynwen’s hand in marriage. But her father refused, saying that he had already arranged a suitable match for her. Maelon was furious, taking out his anger on Dwynwen. Then, he left the palace in a rage. Maelon decided to take the maiden by force. But, before he could carry out his wicked plot, Dwynwen ran away into the woodland. Then, she threw herself to the ground and cried herself to sleep. While she slept, she dreamt an angel came to her and told her Maelon wouldn’t trouble her further because he’d been turned into a block of ice.
The spirit then granted her three wishes. The kind-hearted Dwynwen told the spirit that her first wish was for Maelon to be thawed. Her second was for true love to always be protected in her name. The third was that she would never again fall in love, nor marry. All three wishes came true.
Hermitess on the Island of Llanddwyn
Dwynwen left home to prevent her father from making her marry for power or greed. She became a nun and travelled Wales, setting up churches and praying for Her final stop was the island of Llanddwyn, off the coast of Anglesey, an area accessible only at low tide. Today, the remains of Dwynwen’s church can still be seen.
After Dwynwen’s death, a well was dedicated to her. Her well, a fresh-water spring called Ffynnon Dwynwen, became a wishing well and place of pilgrimage, particularly for lovers because of the story above. The tradition grew that the eel in the well could foretell the future for lovers – ask questions and watch which way they turn. Women would scatter breadcrumbs on the surface, then lay her handkerchief on water’s surface; if the eel disturbed it, her lover would be faithful. All this led to her connection with animals, which eventually led to the tradition that her intercession could heal injured animals.
Her Feast Day
There are churches dedicated to her in Wales and Cornwall. In recent years, her feast day has become increasingly popular among the Welsh with cards being sent just as on Saint Valentine‘s Day, and her well continues to be a place of pilgrimage; there’s a tradition that if the fish in the well are active when a couple visits, it’s the sign of a faithful husband.
Born: 5th Century in unknown location in Wales
Died: Around 460 in unknown location in Wales
Beatified: Pre-Congregation
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
Feast Day: January 25
Patron Saint: Lovers (especially Welsh); Marriage; Sick Animals
Saint Dwynwen experienced love from her boyfriend, Maelon. Then, she felt heartbreak and the anger of Maelon. This pain did not stop her from praying to God and wishing her lover, Maelon, to be thawed from his ice block. We all have experienced the pain of heartache in our lifetime due to disappointments of a lover.
Have you called upon God after love’s heart aches?? Think of the heartache of the Blessed Virgin Mary seeing her son crucified. You may also pray to Mary for both relief of your heartache pains and forgiveness of anyone who may have hurt you.
Saint Dwynwen,
Patron saint of lovers and those seeking love, you who knew the joys and sorrows of love, we come before you with hearts open and sincere.
Intercede for us in our relationships, that they may be filled with faithfulness, understanding, and the grace to grow together in love and holiness.
Pray for us that we may find true and lasting love, built on the foundation of God’s love and wisdom.
Guide those who are searching for companionship, that they may find a partner who shares their values and faith.
For those whose hearts are burdened with sorrow or loneliness, intercede with your compassionate heart, that they may find healing, comfort, and hope in God’s plan .
Through your prayers, may we all be guided by God’s love, and find joy, peace, and fulfillment in our relationships, both with one another and with our Creator.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saint Links
A Dictionary Of Saintly Women, Volume 1 by Agnes B. C. Dunbar – St. Dwynwen
Aleteia – Suffering pandemic heartbreak? Look to St. Dwynwen for a little solace
All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Dwynwen
Catholic Online – St. Dwynwen
Orthodox Christianity – Venerable Dwynwen of Llanddwyn Isalnd, Patroness of Love and Marriage by Dmitry Lapa
Portrait of Saints – Happy Feast Day Saint Dwynwen
Saint for a Minute – Saint Dwynwen
Visit Wales – Fall in love on St Dwynwen’s Day
Wikipedia – Dwynwen
Video Link
Santes Dwynwen — (St Dwynwen) Welsh patron saint of love – YouTube (caddwales)