November 28

Saint Catherine Labouré
Visionary, Virgin
Miraculous Medal
(1806 – 1876)
“Lord, I am here. Tell me what you would have me do.
If He gives me some task, I am content and I thank Him.
If he gives me nothing, I still thank Him.
Since I do not deserve to receive anything more than that,
and then I tell God everything that is in my heart.
I tell him about my pains and my joys, and then I listen.
If you listen, God will also speak to you.
For with the good Lord, you have to both speak and listen.
God always speaks to you when you approach him plainly and simply.”
Saint Catherine Labouré
Saint’s Life Story
Her Family
Zoe Labouré was born at Fain-les-Moûtiers, Côte d’Or, Burgundy, France on May 2, 1806, to to Madeleine Louise Gontard and Pierre Labouré. She was the ninth of eleven children born to a farm family. Zoe felt a call to the religious life from an early age. Her mother died on October 9, 1815, when Zoe was nine years old. It is said that after her mother’s funeral, she picked up a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and kissed it, saying, “Now you will be my mother.” Upon her mother’s death, Zoe assumed the responsibilities of the household. It was said that she was a very quiet and practical child. She never learned to read or write.
First Communion
Zoe received her First Communion at the age of 11 on January 25, 1818. From that day on, she rose at 4 a.m. and walked several miles to assist at Mass, and to pray for grace and strength before the start of her day’s work. Her only desire was to give herself without reserve to the Lord. Never was the thought of the Lord far from her mind.
Dream of St Vincent de Paul
Her father’s sister offered to care for her and her sister Marie Antoinette. They moved to their aunt’s house at Saint-Rémy, a village 9 kilometers (5.6 mi) from their home. It is there that Zoe had a dream of a priest, whom she later recognised as Saint Vincent de Paul. The priest said to her: ‘My daughter, it is good to care for the sick. For now, you flee from me, but one day you will be glad to approach me. God has plans for you. Don’t forget it!’
At the age of 12, Zoe returned to her father’s farm to help care for her family. Later, her father, wishing to deter her from her religious vocation, sent her to Paris to work in his brothers’ eating establishment for poor workers. There, Zoe observed their suffering and her decision to enter the nursing order of Saint Vincent de Paul, the Daughters of Charity, was reinforced.
Took Vows to be Daughter of Charity
Zoe entered the novitiate of the Daughters of Charity on April 21, 1830 at the convent on the rue du Bac in Paris, France. Then on, January 30, 1831, she took her vows taking the name Catherine. It is at this Convent that she had the visions of the Virgin Mary that led to the creation of the Miraculous Medal
First Vision
On July 19, 1830, Catherine woke from her sleep in the convent after hearing a child’s voice calling her to the chapel as the Blessed Virgin Mary was waiting for her.
As Catherine approached the chapel, the door swung open revealing a brilliant light. The Blessed Virgin told Catherine she would be given a mission with all the graces necessary to complete it.
Our Lady said, “God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be contradicted, but do not fear; you will have the grace to do what is necessary. Tell your spiritual director all that passes within you. Times are evil in France and in the world.”
Second Vision
On November 27, 1830, the Blessed Mother showed Catherine the medal of the Immaculate Conception, now universally known as the “Miraculous Medal.” On one side was a picture of Mary, hands outstretched and the words ‘O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.’ On the other was the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Our Blessed Mother asked Catherine to have medals made and devotion to the medal spread. Our Lady told Catherine that wearers of the medal would receive great graces.
Catherine was anxious to know what words must be placed on the reverse side of the medal. After many prayers, one day in meditation she seemed to hear a voice which said to her: ‘The ‘M’ with the Cross and the two Hearts tell enough.’”
Catherine told only her Spiritual Director, Fr. John Marie Aladel about her visions and her mission. In January 1832, Fr. Aladel spoke with Archbishop Hyacinth de Quelen of Paris about Catherine, her visions, and the request of the Blessed Virgin for a medal to be struck. After careful questioning, permission for medals was given. The first 2,000 medals were available on June 30, 1832, and disappeared very fast. Her spiritual director, Father Jean Marie Aladel, kept her identity secret. Not until shortly before her death in 1876, did anyone know the identity of the nun who had begun the devotion.
Her Works
Immediately after taking her vows, Catherine was sent to the Hospice d’Enghien, located in the village of Reuilly, which, at the time, was slightly outside the city limits of Paris. She spent the next forty years there, caring for the elderly and infirm. For this, she is called the patroness of seniors. During this time, she not only cared for the sick, but also worked on the hospice’s farm, looked after the poultry and cleaned the stables. Her life was notable for her devotion to the poor and elderly and for her humility and profound silence
Her Death
Catherine died in the Hospice on December 31, 1876, at the age of 70 in Enghien-Reuilly, France.
The incorrupt body of Saint Catherine Laboure
Her body was buried in a crypt beneath their church and found to be incorrupt some fifteen years later. Her body was later moved and is now encased in glass beneath the side altar in the Chapel of Our Lady of Graces of the Miraculous Medal in 140 Rue du Bac, Paris, France.
Born: May 2, 1806 at Fain-les-Moûtiers, Côte d’Or, Burgundy, France
Died: December 31, 1876 at Enghien-Reuilly, France
Beatified: May 28, 1933 by Pope Pius XI
Canonized: July 27, 1947 by Pope Pius XII
Feast Day: November 28
Patron Saint: Miraculous Medal; Pigeons; Seniors
Imagine that the Blessed Virgin Mary visited you and she told you about a medal that you were to create where the wearers would receive great graces. Your medal that Mary told you to make became worn by thousands (now even millions) everywhere. In fact, the Pope would put one at the foot of the crucifix on his desk. Now, image that you say nothing to anyone about all these amazing things that have happened until your death bed. That is exactly what Saint Catherine did while she spent 46 years of her life in service of the elderly. I am not sure that I could remain that humble in the same situation.
What acts or deeds today do you need to be humble about? Remember that all our acts and deeds are blessings from God that we should be thankful for in quiet prayer.
Saint Catherine Labouré,
You who were privileged to behold the Blessed Virgin Mary and to receive from her the gift of the Miraculous Medal,
Teach us to trust in her maternal intercession, to receive those special graces and to wear the medal with faith and devotion as a source of peace in our lives.
May the Miraculous Medal be a sign of our love for Mary and a mark of our honor of her Immaculate Conception.
Help us to follow your example of humility and service, seeing Christ in the poor and the suffering, and bringing His love to those who are in need.
Grant us the courage to proclaim the wonders of God’s love, as you did, with quiet faith and unwavering devotion.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Saint Catherine Labouré, pray for us. Amen.
Saint Links
Aleteia – St. Catherine Laboure: The beautiful story of a girl, her mother, and the Miraculous Medal
All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal
AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 28 November – St Catherine Labouré DC (1806-1876)
Angelus – Saint of the day: Catherine Labouré
A Reason2BCatholic – Saints Alive! | St Catherine Labouré
Association of the Miraculous Medal – Prayer to Saint Catherine Laboure
Catholic Culture – Catholic Prayer: Collect for Saint Catherine Laboure
Catholic Exchange – St. Catherine Labouré: Saint of the Miraculous Medal by Hope Schneir
Catholic Ireland – Nov 28 – St Catherine Labouré (1806-76) Daughter of Charity, Visionary
Catholic News Agency – Saint Catherine Laboure Feast Day: Nov 28
CatholicSaints.Info – Saint Catherine Labouré
Catholic Sun – Feast of St. Catherine Labouré
Loyola Press – Saint Catherine Labouré Feast Day November 28
Saint Catherine Labouré Parish – Patron Saint – St. Catherine Labouré
Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Catherine Laboure (1806-1876)
uCatholic – St. Catherine Laboure