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April 18

St Athanasia of Aegina - April 18

Saint Athanasia of Aegina
Abbess, Widow
(Around 790 – 860)

Let everyone know that alms given for a departed soul for forty days after death, and food offered to the hungry, appease God. If the departed souls are sinful, they receive forgiveness from God. If they are righteous, then the good deeds bring God’s mercy on the souls of those who perform them.”

Saint Athanasia of Aegina
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Saint’s Life Story

Her Early Life

Athanasia was born around 790 on the beautiful Island of Aegina, Greece. She was the daughter of Nikita and Marina, belonging to a noble and pious family. Athanasia received a standard education consisting of readings in the psalter and Holy Scripture. From a young age, she felt a strong calling towards the religious life.


Legend has it that when Athanasia was just a young girl learning to weave, a miraculous event occurred. A bright star appeared and settled over her heart, filling her with enlightenment and affirming her desire to dedicate her life to God.

Married and Widowed Young

However, at the request of her parents, Athanasia married an army officer when she was only sixteen years old. Tragically, Athanasia’s first marriage was incredibly short-lived as her husband died in battle against invading Arabs just sixteen days after their union.

Again, Athanasia considered the religious life, but an imperial edict required all unmarried women and widows of marriage age to marry soldiers.

From Second Marriage to a Nun

For a second time, her parents forced her to wed. Athanasia entered into her second marriage with a deeply religious man, who shared her devotion to God. His wealth permitted them the means to extend considerable charity to those in need. Together, they conducted Bible studies in their home and generously supported the sick and the poor.

Over time, her husband began to feel a calling to become a monk, and Athanasia wholeheartedly supported his decision. He turned over all his property to Athanasia, so that she could continue their work. In response to her own deepening desire for a life of prayer and asceticism, Athanasia became a nun.

Renouncing the material possessions she once enjoyed, Athanasia embraced a life of severe austerity and an ascetic way of life. Athanasia wore a hair-shirt, and over it clothes of coarse sheep’s wool. She slept very little, and prayed most of the night. On most days, she ate only bread and water.

She gave away a large portion of her wealth and converted her home into a convent.


With the guidance of a spiritual director named Matthias, Athanasia invited other women to join her in their pursuit of holiness. She served as the abbess of the community, providing spiritual guidance and fostering a life of prayer and devotion. Athanasia never permitted the sisters to wait on her, not even to pour water over her hands.

Four years later the superior of a local monastery, with the permission of the bishop, offered the women a new site for their convent called Timia in Greece, where there was an ancient church of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr. Here crowds flocked to see her.

Visions and Miracle

Athanasia’s future sanctity was manifested in heavenly visions of a man gleaming in a cloud and a voice which told her to pursue humility and meekness. Her ascent to the heights of virtue was proved by the only healing miracle of her lifetime, the cure of a man with an eye disease, an affliction from which she herself had also suffered previously.

After she healed this man, a crowd of people began to flock to her in order to receive healing from their infirmities of soul and body.

Built 3 Churches

Athanasia built three churches on Aegina: one to the Theotokos, one to Saint John the Baptist, and one to Saint Nicholas of Myra. These churches offered sacred spaces for worship and prayer. This construction activity provides evidence of a flourishing economy on the island before its eventual abandonment sometime in the second half of the ninth century as a consequence of Arab raids.

Fled to Constantinople

However, seeking a return to a quiet and prayerful life, Athanasia and two of her sisters, Maria and Eupraxia, fled secretly to Constantinople. In Constantinople, she secluded herself as an anchoress, choosing to live in a small cell. Despite her solitary existence, Athanasia became an advisor to Empress Theodora, using her wisdom and holiness to guide and assist the empress. Athanasia remained in her secluded cell for seven years, providing spiritual guidance and intercession for those who sought her counsel.

Return to Timia

In response to the appeals of her sisters, Athanasia eventually returned to Timia at a very late stage in her life. There, she spent her remaining days, continuing to inspire others with her faith and devotion.

Her Death

Athanasia spent the twelve days before her death in unceasing prayer. In the church, she summoned her sisters and asked them to continue reading the PSALTER for her. The sisters went to church and there fulfilled her request, and then they came to bid the saint farewell. Athanasia blessed them and asked them to celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos solemnly and joyfully, and also to provide a meal for the poor and destitute. She died on August 14, 860 in Timia, Greece.

Miracles After Her Death

Before her death, Athanasia ordered the nuns to feed the poor for forty days. The sisters, however, did not fulfill her request and set out the memorial meal for only ten days. She appeared to some of the sisters and said, “Let everyone know that alms given for a departed soul for forty days after death, and food offered to the hungry, appease God. If the departed souls are sinful, they receive forgiveness from God. If they are righteous, then the good deeds bring God’s mercy on the souls of those who perform them.”

Then, Athanasia thrust her staff into the ground and became invisible. The staff left behind sprouted the next day and became a live tree.

A year after her death, they led a possessed woman to the grave. When they dug up the ground, they then noticed a fragrance and removed the coffin. After the woman touched it, the demoniac was immediately healed. Then, they opened the lid of the coffin and saw her incorrupt body, from which myrrh flowed.

Her relics are preserved at Timia in a specially made reliquary, There, they are revered for their healing powers.

Born:                   Around 790 in Aegina, Greece

Died:                   August 14, 860 in Timia, Greece

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          April 18, August 15 (on some calendars)

Patron Saint:    Timia, Greece



St. Athanasia of Aegina’s early life was shaped by personal suffering. She was briefly married, but her husband was killed in battle defending their homeland from invaders. Instead of succumbing to grief, she turned her sorrow into a path of service, dedicating herself to prayer and caring for the poor. Later, she remarried by obedience to her parents, but her second husband soon chose to become a monk, leaving her free to pursue her own monastic calling. Her willingness to embrace the crosses she was given—whether in grief, obedience, or service—reveals a heart conformed to Christ’s own self-giving love.

What trails are you enduring right now? Like St. Athanasia of Aegina did, look at these trails as opportunities for spiritual growth. These opportunities are where your faith in the face of grief allows God to shows you how He can bring beauty from sorrow when you entrust your pain to Him.


Saint Athanasia of Aegina,

You, turned grief into grace and sorrow into selfless love, intercede for us before the throne of God.

Intercede for us so that we may follow your example of selfless service and reach out to those in need with love and compassion.

Help us to embrace suffering with patience, to transform trials into offerings of love, and to seek the face of Christ in every soul we encounter.

May we be granted the grace to persevere, the courage to serve with love, and the faith to trust in God’s perfect will.

Pray for us, that we may we may be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Saint Athanasia of Aegina, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

A Dictionary Of Saintly Women, Volume 1 by Agnes B. C. Dunbar – St. Athanasia

CNewsLive – Saint Athanasia of Aegina

Catholic Online – St. Athanasia of Aegina

CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Athanasia of Constantinople, Matron – by Katherine I Rabenstein

Holy Women of Byzantium: Ten Saints’ Lives in English Translation – Life Of St. Athanasia of Aegina translated by Lee Francis Sherry

Newman Connection – Saint Athanasia

Video Link

St. Athanasia of Aegina: From Obedient Wife to Famous Nun – YouTube (Awaken The Saint)