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February 9

St Apollinia - February 9

Saint Apollinia
Virgin, Martyr
(Unknown – Around 249)

No quote available for Saint Apollinia

Saint Apollinia

Her Life

The exact date and location of Apollinia’s birth is unknown, but may be late 2nd century or early 3rd century. Apollinia is also known as Apollonia of Alexandria and Apolline of Alexandria. She was the miraculously conceived daughter of rich, barren parents. After nearly giving up hope of being blessed by a child, despite constant prayers, Apollonia’s mother begged the Blessed Virgin to intercede. When in her youth, Apollinia learned of the circumstances of her conception, she became a Christian. Directed by an angel, she went to Saint Leonine, a disciple of Saint Antony, for baptism. An angel and told her to go and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ in Alexandria, which she did.

Full of joy and energy, Apollinia returned back to Alexandria, Eqypt to preach the Word of God. She preached with eloquence to the people who were hungry for the Word. She won a lot of souls for Jesus Christ through her preaching. Apollinia became a prominent figure among the local Christian community in Alexandria, Egypt. Apollonia was an aged deaconess (in the ancient church deaconesses were engaged in assisting at the baptism of adult women, because baptism was mostly done by full immersion, and it would have been inappropriate for the priest to help the soaked female neophytes change into their baptismal robe after dunking).

Persecution of Christians

During the persecution of Christians under Emperor Philip, Apollonia was caught up in the midst of a bloodthirsty mob out to kill as many Christians as possible. Christians were dragged from their homes, while their property was looted. It started with a poet of Alexandria, who pretended to foretell disaster because of the presence of the impious Christians. He stirred up this great city.

The first victim of their rage was a venerable old man, named Metras, whom they compelled to utter impious words against the worship of the true God. Metras refused, so they beat him with staffs, thrust splinters of reeds into his eyes, and having dragged him into one of the suburbs, stoned him to death. The next person they seized was a Christian woman, called Quinta, whom they carried to one of their temples to pay divine worship to the idol. She loaded the execrable divinity with many reproaches, which so exasperated the people that they dragged her by the heels upon the pavement of sharp pebbles, cruelly scourged her, and put her to the same death.

Her Martyrdom

Next, Apollonia, being recognized as a leader among the Christians as a venerable virgin and deaconess, was seized by the enraged crowd. In their attempts to force her to renounce her faith, her teeth were cruelly broken using pincers. Despite the excruciating pain she endured, Apollonia remained steadfast in her devotion to Christ. Having been presented with a choice between renouncing her faith or facing death by being burned alive, Apollonia fearlessly chose the latter. Displaying extraordinary courage, she willingly leaped into the fire, embracing martyrdom for the sake of her faith. Though the exact year is uncertain, it is believed that Apollonia met her tragic death by burning around 249 in Alexandria, Egypt. Her martyrdom demonstrated her unwavering dedication to the Christian faith in the face of persecution and hostility.

Saint Apollonia of Alexandria is often depicted in religious art as a deaconess holding a set of pincers, which frequently holds a tooth or a gilded tooth. This representation symbolizes the brutal torture she endured and her steadfast commitment to her beliefs.


Born :                    Unknown date (probably late 2nd century/early 3rd century) in unknown location

Died:                     Around 249 in Alexandria, Egypt

Beatified:             Pre-Congregation

Canonized:          Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:            February 9

Patron Saint:      Achterbos, Belgium; Against Tooth Disease; Against Toothaches; Ariccia, Italy; Asso, Italy; Cantù, Italy; Cuccaro Monferrato, Italy; Dental Technicians; Dentists; Elst, Belgium



Despite Saint Apollinia’s cruel torture of her teeth being shattered and knocked out, she remained steadfast in her commitment to Christ, refusing to renounce her faith even under extreme duress. Saint Apollonia chose to sacrifice her own life stepping into a fire rather than betray her Christian faith. Her willingness to endure suffering for the sake of her beliefs reflects the sacrificial love and compassion taught by Christ. Her example inspires us to love God and others selflessly, even at great personal cost.

Many Saints who were not martyrs have longed to shed their blood for Christ. We, too, may pray to share some portion of their spirit. What slightest suffering for our faith can you offer up today with humility and courage as sign of our steadfast faith in Christ Our Savior?


Saint Apollinia,

You were a courageous martyr of the faith and patroness of those suffering from dental problems.

Your steadfast devotion to Christ in the face of persecution inspires us to remain faithful in our own lives.

We ask for your intercession, especially for those experiencing toothaches and dental issues.

May we find relief from our pain and discomfort through your powerful prayers and intercession.

Saint Apollinia, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

A Dictionary Of Saintly Women, Volume 1 by Agnes B. C. Dunbar – St Apollinia

Bartleby – Rev. Alban Butler. Volume II: February. The Lives of the Saints. 1866. February 9 St. Apollonia, Virgin and Martyr

Catholic Culture – St. Apollonia

Catholic Lane – St. Apollonia and the Martyrs of Alexandria

Catholic News Agency – St. Apollonia of Alexandria Feast day: Feb 09

Catholic Online – St. Apollonia

CatholicSaints.Info – Book of Saints – Apollonia by Monks of Ramsgate

Catholic365 – The Story of Saint Apollonia: The Patron Saint of Dentistry and Oral Health

Christian Apostles – St. Apollonia Biography

Christian Iconography – Saint Apollonia: The Iconography

Daily Prayers – Apollonia of Alexandria

Franciscan Media – Saint Apollonia

Melanie Rigney – Apollonia

New Advent – Kirsch, J.P. (1907). St. Apollonia. In The Catholic Encyclopedia.

RC Spirituality (Uncle Eddy) – St Apollinia

Saints, Feast, Family – Saint Apollonia’s Story

Saints for Sinners – Saint Apollonia

Saint of the Day – February 9 St. Apollonia

Sanctoral – Saint Apollonia Virgin and the Martyrs of Alexandria († 249)

Soul Candy – Feb 9 – St Apollinia of Alexandria, (d. 249 AD) – Virgin & Martyr, Patroness of Denistry

Video Link

Cradio Saint of the Day: Saint Apollonia – YouTube (CatholicSaints.Info)