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December 30

St Anysia - December 30

Saint Anysia


(Around 284 – 304)

“I am a servant of Jesus Christ, and am going to the Lord’s assembly.”.

Saint Anysia

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Her Life

Anysia was born around 284 in Saloniki, Thessaloniki (Thessalonica), Greece. Her parents were rich and raised her in Christian piety. After their death, she was a wealthy orphan. Anysia sold everything she owned, distributing her riches to the poor. Then, she began to lead a strict life of fasting, vigil, and unobtrusive prayer. Anysia lived in the region of Thessalonica, under the governorship of Dulcitius. 

Christian Persecutions

Anysia was a young woman who lived in the year 304, during the reign of the cruel Emperor Maximian Galerius. During his persecution against the Christians, Emperor Maximian issued an edict stating that anyone had the right to kill Christians with no fear of punishment. As a result, under his reign, there was much persecution of Christians. Christians were unable to worship in the open so would meet secretly.

Legend Of Her Martyrdom

One day as Anysia left her home to go to the assembly of the faithful, she passed by the gates of Cassandra. One of the emperor’s guards, a Roman soldier, took notice of her. He stepped in front of her so that she couldn’t pass. He asked her where she was going. Frightened, Anysia made the sign of the cross on her forehead and said nothing. This act enraged the soldier. After grabbing her, he again demanded that she tell him who she was and where she was going.

Anysia answered, “I am a servant of Jesus Christ, and am going to the Lord’s assembly.”

The soldier quickly replied, “I will prevent that and will bring thee to sacrifice to the gods, for today we adore the sun.” Then the soldier tore off her veil.

When she lifted her arm to keep him from removing her veil, he became even more enraged, drew his sword and ran it through her body so that it came out the other side. Anysia immediately fell to the ground, bathed in her blood, and died.

Those gathering over the body wept and loudly complained against the cruel emperor for issuing this edict that resulted in the death of many innocent people, including Anysia. Christians buried Anysia near the city gates and a chapel was built over her grave.

Born :                  Around 284 in Saloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Died:                   December 30 (Feast Day), 304 in Saloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          December 30

Patron Saint:     None



Even though we have very scant information about Saint Anysia’s short life, we know that she lived during a time when she wasn’t allowed the freedom to worship God. This edict did not stop Saint Anysia from boldly proclaiming her alliance to God on her way to Mass in face of violence.

Are you taking advantage of the freedom you have to daily worship God? If so, thank God for that freedom and those who defend it. If not, pray for God’s grace to help you face whatever obstacles are stopping you from worshipping God.


Dear Saint Anysia,
Faithful servant of God and martyr for the Christian faith, I humbly come before you today, seeking your intercession and guidance. Your unwavering devotion to Christ and your willingness to give your life for your faith inspire me.

Whether our lives be long or short in this life on earth, Father, we pray that, like Saint Anysia, our lives always give glory to You and that we never fear giving our testimony of faith.

Give us the grace, Father, to not only boldly testify to the truth, but to defend it as well. And through our actions, may many others be brought to eternal life with You.

Saint Anysia, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 


Catholic Exchange – St. Anysia, Martyr

Catholic Fire – St. Anysia, Martyr

Catholic Online – St. Anysia

CatholicSaints.Info -Saint Anysia of Salonika

Full of Grace and Truth – St. Anysia the Righteous Virgin Martyr of Thessaloniki

Reason2bCatholic – Saints Alive! | St Anysia of Salonika

New Advent – Mershman, F. (1908). St. Christopher. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Anysia, Martyr

Saint for a Minute – Saint Anysia of Salonika

uCatholic – Saint Anysia

Video Link

Saint Anysia, Virgin and Martyr – December 30th – YouTube (Saint of the Day)