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January 9

St Adrian of Canterbury - January 9

Saint Adrian of Canterbury
Benedictine Abbot
Around 635 – 710

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Saint Adrian of Canterbury

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His Early Years

Adrian was born around 635 in Libya, North Africa as Hadrian. being a native of North Africa, Adrian was a Berber, a diverse grouping of distinct ethnic groups indigenous to North Africa who predate the arrival of Arabs. Few details are known about his youth.

In the mid-640‘s, his family fled to Naples, Italy ahead of Arab invasion.

Benedictine Monk and Abbot

Adrain was a Benedictine monk when he was quite young. Eventually, Adrian became an abbot of a monastery at Nerida near Naples, Italy, called Monasterium Niridanum.

Selected Archbishop of Canterbury But Declined

Adrian was introduced to Pope Saint Vitalian and became his advisor. Pope Saint Vitalian was twice offered Adrian to become the Archbishop of Canterbury. However, Adrian declined the position, even though it came with prestige and glory, citing his unworthiness. Instead, Adrian suggested the nomination of a Greek monk Saint Theodore of Tarsus. Pope Saint Vitalian accepted his suggestion. Adrian agreed to become the assistant and advisor to the new archbishop, Theodore.

Detained in France due to suspicions of espionage for the emperor, Adrain arrived in England in 669. On his arrival in Canterbury, Archbishop Theodore appointed Adrian to be abbot of the monastery of Saints Peter and Paul, founded by Saint Augustine of Canterbury (that later be renamed St Augustine’s). An excellent administrator as well as a Greek and Latin scholar, Adrian insured that the monastery grew into a center of theological learning drawing students from all over England and even Ireland. In addition, Adrian was a great teacher of languages, mathematics, poetry, astronomy, and Bible study for 39 years. Many of Adrian’s students would go on to become many of the saints, bishops, scholars, and missionaries, who during the next century rekindled the waning light of faith and learning in France and Germany.

Adrian and Theodore were highly successful missionaries in largely pagan England. Adrian helped his archbishop in the pastoral governance of the English Church. Saint Bede says of this time: “Never had there been such happy times as these since the English settled in Britain.”

His Death

Adrian died on January 9, 710 of natural causes in Canterbury, England. He was buried in a tomb in the church of the monastery of Saint Augustine’s Church.

Several hundred years later, when reconstruction was being done, Adrian’s body was discovered in an incorrupt state. As word spread, people flocked to his tomb, which became famous for miracles. It is said that many of the miracles for which his tomb became famous were in favor of boys who studied in the monastery and were in trouble with their masters.

Born :                   Around 635 in Libya, North Africa

Died:                    January 9, 710 in Canterbury, England

Beatified:            Pre-Congregation

Canonized:         Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          January 9

Patron Saint:     Canterbury, England



Saint Adrian of Canterbury faced stiff challenges as a missionary in a foreign land (England), but his resilience and dedication to his faith allowed him to grow the spiritual truths of Christianity. In the hallowed halls of the Canterbury monastery, he fostered an environment where learning flourished, attracting students eager to explore the realms of theology and philosophy. May the spirit of Saint Adrian inspire us to be ambassadors of Christian faith, fostering a world where the pursuit and the love of God go hand in hand.

How can you be an ambassador of God’s love today in your daily encounters with others at home, work and school?


Saint Adrian of Canterbury,

You who dedicated your life to teaching and spreading the faith, intercede for us with your holy prayers.

Bless all those who seek to learn and to teach.

May they grow in wisdom and grace and may their work bring glory to God.

Help us to use our gifts and talents in the service of God and to share the light of Christ with those around us.

Teach us to be faithful stewards of the knowledge we receive, using it to build up the Church and to serve our communities.

Saint Adrian of Canterbury, pray for me. Amen.

Saint Links 

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Adrian of Canterbury

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 9 January – St Adrian of Canterbury (c 635-710)

Angelus – Saint of the day: Adrian of Canterbury

America Needs Fatima – Saint Adrian of Canterbury

Catholic Ireland – Jan 9 – St Adrian of Canterbury (d. 710)

Catholic News Agency – St. Adrian of Canterbury Feast day: Jan 09

Catholic Online – St. Adrian, Abbot

CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Adrian of Canterbury, Abbot by Katherine I Rabenstein

Franciscan Media – Saint Adrian of Canterbury

New Advent – Ott, M. (1907). St. Adrian of Canterbury. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Adrian, Abbot of Canterbury

Saint for a Minute – Saint Adrian of Canterbury

uCatholic – Saint Adrian of Canterbury

Wikipedia – Adrian of Canterbury

Video Link

Cradio Saint of the Day: Saint Adrian of Canterbury – YouTube (CatholicSaints.Info)