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December 16

St Ado of Vienne - Dec 16

Saint Ado of Vienne


(Around 800 – 875)

“Hear Jesus Christ who said to you.

Saint Ado of Vienne – Started his preaching with these words

Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life

Ado was born in the diocese of Sens, near Paris, around the year 800. He was from one of the richest and most noble families of that country. Ado was educated at the Benedictine abbey of Ferrieres. Abbot Lupus Servatus, an outstanding humanist of the time, trained Ado, and was impressed with the obvious holiness of the young man.

Trier, Germany to Rome, Italy 

A noble by birth, Ado renounced his inheritance and became a Benedictine, in time assigned to the monastery of Prum, near Trier, Germany. Ado’s holiness made him enemies. So, he was forced to leave. Ado went to Rome on a pilgrimage. He remained there for two years.

Author of Roman Martyrology

Then, Ado went to Ravenna, where he found an old copy of Roman Martyrology. Using this, Ado wrote a new version that was published in 858. Ado also wrote about the lives of St. Desiderius and St. Theuderis. In Lyons, he was welcomed by St. Remigius, the archbishop. Ado served as a pastor in Lyons until 860. Then, he became archbishop of Vienne, appointed by Pope Nicholas I.

Humble Example for Reform


By word and example, Ado began reforming the laxity of his priests in Vienne. He gave them strict orders to instruct the laity in the necessary doctrines of Christianity. His own life was a model of humility and austerity.  Ado also opposed the actions of Lothair II, the king of Lorraine, who tried to set aside his lawful wife to marry his mistress. Lothair bribed officials to get a divorce from his queen, Theutberga. But he was undone, when Ado went to Rome and denounced the plot to the Pope.

His Death

Ado was extremely severe on himself, never permitting himself the slightest relaxation, scarcely even the necessary rest at night, as he occupied the greater portion of it in prayer and study. Notwithstanding his many and important affairs, Ado was always the first in the Cathedral choir, because it was his belief that prayer and the praise to the Most High, should always be preferred to all other business.  In this manner after 16 years as the archbishop, Ado reached the age of 75. At this age, it pleased the Almighty to call this faithful and unwearied servant to receive his eternal reward. So, Ado died on the 16th of December in 875 in Vienne, France.

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:         December 16

Patron Saint:    Could be considered Patron of Roman Martyrology



Saint Ado deemed nothing more dangerous than to remain long in sin, or to live almost continually in it. The Saint judged rightly; for, such a man has every reason to fear that he will die in sin, and Hence go to eternal destruction. We generally die as we have lived; if we live in continual sin, it can hardly be expected that we shall not die in it. It would be a miracle of divine mercy not to die in sin after having continually lived in it.

However, Jesus died for our sins. So through the sacrament of reconciliation, we can confess our sins and start with God’s mercy with a “clean slate. This is important since we never know when our death will be.

When is the last time you confessed your sins at confession to a priest? Whether it was a week, a month or years ago, this sacrament (like the Eucharist) is there for us as often as we need it.

Source: Adapted from Father Francis Xavier Weninger, DD, SJ. “Saint Ado, Archbishop of Vienne”. Lives of the Saints, 1876.


Saint Ado of Vienne, your own life was a model of humility and austerity with daily prayer and study. May you intercede for us we strive to live our lifes modeled after the Christian doctrines passed on to us by Jesus Christ.

Saint Ado of Vienne, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Anastpaul – Saint of the Day – 16 December – Saint Ado of Vienne (Died 875) – St. Ado, Archbishop of Vienne, Confessor from Rev. Alban Butler,   The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

Catholic Online – St. Ado of Vienne – Saint Ado of Vienne

New Advent – Saint Ado of Vienne from the Catholic Encyclopedia

Saint of the Day – Saint Ado of Vienne

The Daily Mass – St. Ado of Vienne

uCatholic – St. Ado of Vienne


Video Link

St Ado of Vienne – YouTube (Haigos)

St Ado of Vienne – YouTube (Catholic Faith)