Find The Saint

April 10

St-Miguel-de-Sanctis-April 10

Saint Michael de Sanctis

Priest, Mystic

(1591 – 1625)

“Joy, with peace, is the sister of charity. Serve the Lord with laughter.

Saint Michael de Sanctis

Saint’s Life Story


Miguel (Michael) Argemir was born on September 29, 1591 at Vich, Catalonia, Spain.  At age 6, Michael decided that he wanted to be a monk, and imposed such austerities on himself as a child that he had to be restrained. His parents died while he was still young. So, Michael became the apprentice of a merchant. 

Vows and Priesthood 

Michael tried to join the Trinitarian monastery in Barcelona, Spain at age 12. On September 5, 1607, he took his vows at age 15 at the monastery of Saint Lambert at Zaragoza, Spain. Later, Michael felt drawn to the more austere Discalced Trinitarians. He began his novitiate at Madrid, Spain. Michael studied in Seville, Spain and Salamanca, Spain, and took vows at Alcalá, Spain becoming a priest.


Michael was twice elected superior of the monastery at Valladolid, Spain. He led the Monastery as Superior by example, living in holiness, often displaying heroic virtues of humility, prayer and great mortification. Michael had a deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist and is said to have been rapt in ecstasy several times during Consecration. Michael is also reported to having experienced levitation and having performed miracles. His generous service to the poor, the unfortunate and the sick made him a compassionate priest and a faithful friend.

His Death

At the age of 33, Michael died on April 10, 1625 at Valladolid, Spain of natural causes. He was considered by his brothers to be a saint during his life. Miracles were reported through his intercession both before and after his death. In images, he is usually depicted kneeling before an altar where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. He is also known as Michael of the Saints.

Beatified:            May 24, 1779 by Pope Pius VI

Canonized:         June 8, 1862 by Pope Pius IX

Feast Day:          April 10

Patron Saint:     Cancer Patients



Saint Michael de Sanctis lost his parents at an early age. However, this fact did not change his decision and desire to be a monk as a child. He was a compassionate priest and a faithful friend with his generous service to the poor, the unfortunate and the sick. Although we may not be a priest or a nun, we all can be kind to the poor, the unfortunate, the sick and those who have no one to pray for them.

What compassionate kind act can you do today for those in need around you?



Prayer for Cancer Patients

Most Holy Trinity, You who gave us Saint Michael of the Saints as trusted friend and intercessor, and as patron of those afflicted with cancer, look with kindness on your servants who this day invoke your name.

Through his intercession, comfort those in distress, confirm those in doubt. Satisfy their spiritual needs from the treasury of your grace.

Remember all those who call on your help, but be especially solicitous of (mention name). Restore health to this person and all who are sick.

Sanctify those who endure pain with Christ-like acceptance and grant to all of us a just reward in the life of glory to come.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Source: Saint Michael de Sanctis: Patron of Cancer Patients (

Saint Links 

Aleteia – Prayer to foster a deeper love of Jesus in the Eucharist

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 10 April – St Miguel de Sanctis O.SS.T (1591-1625)

Catholic Fire – Saint Michael de Sanctis: Patron of Cancer Patients

CatholicSaints.Info – Saint Miguel de Sanctis

New AdventOtt, M. (1911). St. Michael de Sanctis. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. 

Saint of the Day – Saint Michael de Sanctis

uCatholic – Saint Edmund Campion

Wikipedia – St Michael de Sanctis

Video Link

St. Michael de Sanctis – YouTube (Joy of Heaven)