Who is Saint #242?
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HOW TO PLAY: All the words listed below are facts about the saint.
Each word may be vertically, horizontally, diagonally or even backwards.
Find and circle each word or set of words.
The leftover letters spell out the SAINT starting from the top go down left to right.
Saint #242 Facts
Born: March 28, 1811 in Prachatitz, Czech Republic
Died: January 5 (Feast Day), 1860 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Patron Saint: Catholic Education; Educators; Teachers
Beatified: October 13, 1963 by Pope Paul VI
Canonized: June 19, 1977 by Pope Paul VI
Saint #242 Puzzle Solution: 11 Letters
“How gladly , O my God, would I thank Thee for the unnumberable benefits Thou dost heap upon me!”
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