Alphabetical List of Saints
Alphabetical List of Saints Starting with the Letter J
Jacinta Marto
Jane Frances de Chantal
Jean-Gabriel Perboyre
Jeanne Delanoue
Jeanne Jugan
Jerome Hermosilla
Joachim and Anne
Joan of Arc
John Baptist de La Salle
John Berchmans
John Bosco
John Chrysostom
John Climacus
John Damascene
John de Brebeuf
John Eudes
John Fisher
John Francis Regis
John Jones
John Joseph of the Cross
John Kemble
John Neumann
John of Capistrano
John of God
John of the Cross of Lyons
John Plessington
John Roberts
John the Apostle
John the Silent
John Vianney
Josemaría Escrivá
Joseph Cafasso
Joseph Calasanz
Joseph of Cupertino
Joseph Vaz
Josephine Bakhita
Juan Diego
Jude Thaddeus
Juliana of Mont Cornillon
Juliana of Nicomedia
Julie Billiart
Junípero Serra
Justin Martyr
Justina of Padua
Jutta of Thuringia
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