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July 5

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Priest, Founder of Barnabite Order

(1502 – 1539)

“If you want to pray well, first detach yourself from things of the world, purify yourself from your passions, which deprive your soul of your trust in God, then prepare yourself for prayer through meditation.

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life Becoming A Physician

Anthony was born in 1502 in Cremona, Italy to noble parents. Although Anthony lost his father when he was young, his mother saw to it that he received solid training instilling in him compassion for the poor and afflicted. Anthony studied medicine at the University of Padua and returned home at the age of 22 as a full-fledged physician. He practiced as a physician in Cremona for three years. But he quickly realized that his vocation consisted in healing souls as well as bodies. 

Ordained and Off to Milan

Anthony studied theology while he continued to practice medicine. At the same time, he assisted the dying spiritually, taught catechism to the young, and placed himself completely at the service of everyone.  After his ordination in 1528, Anthony was encouraged to go to Milan where there were greater opportunities to serve his fellowman.

Founded Barnabites and St. Paul for Laity

In 1530, Anthony and two other zealous priests founded the Barnabites (the Order of Regular Clerks of St. Paul).  The Barnabites received their name because there lived in the St. Barbabas monastery in Milan.  This congregation of priests  helped regenerate and revive the love of Divine worship, and a proper Christian way of life by frequent preaching and faithful administration of the Sacraments. Anthony and its earky members ministered night and day to the people of Milan, who were stricken by wars, plague, and neglect. With the help of Luigia Torelli, a countess, Anthony founded a community called the Angelicals, whose goal was to rescue fallen women and girls and those in danger of falling into sin. In addition, Anthony founded The Marrieds of St. Paul for Laity that were married.

His Legacy Church Traditions

Anthony introduced the forty-hour devotion to lay people, encouraging people to join him in praying for forty hours before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. He also introduced the ringing of church bells on Friday.

His Death

Anthony died on July 5 in Cremona, Italy at the age of 37, worn out by his many labors.  Nearly three decades after his death, Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria’s body was found to be incorrupt. He is depicted in art in a habit.

Born:                 1502 in Cremona, Italy

Born:                 July 5, 1539 in Cremona, Italy

Beatified:          January 3, 1890 by Pope Leo XIII

Canonized:       May 27, 1897 by Pope Leo XIII

Feast Day:         July 5

Patron Saint:    Barnabite Order; Laity of St Paul; Physicians



Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria recognized the importance and ability of all people, religious and laity, to build up the Body of Christ. Unlike some of his contemporaries, Saint Anthony did not seek to transform the church by combative, aggressive and divisive tactics. He changed the Church through his example and his love. Saint Anthony challenged the people of his time to be “not small, but great saints.” Let each of us strive to follow Christ and not be afraid to openly combat mediocrity, compromise and every kind of apathy that is the greatest enemy of the crucified Christ

How can you be a “great saint” acting as a conduit demonstrating Jesus’ love to all those whom you interact with today?


Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria,

You called for a return to the simplicity and purity of the Gospel, burning with zeal for the salvation of souls and devoting your life to the renewal of Christian life.

Inflame our hearts with the same love for Christ that consumed you, that we may live our lives with the same fervor and dedication.

Help us to grow in holiness and to seek always the greater glory of God in all that we do.

Pray for the Church in our time, that it may be renewed in spirit and fervor, and that all its members may work together for the salvation of souls.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria – Confessor

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 5 July – St Anthony Mary Zaccaria CRSP (1502-1539)

Catholic Exchange – St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Catholic Fire – St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Catholic Ireland – Jul 5 – St Anthony Mary Zaccaria (1502-39)

Catholic News Agency – St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Feast day: Jul 05

Editions Magnificant – Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria Founder (1502-1539)

Franciscan Media – Saint Anthony Zaccaria

My Catholic Life – Saint Anthony Zaccaria, Priest

Newman Ministry – Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Antony Zaccaria, Founder of the Clerks Regular of St Paul

Saint for a Minute – Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Anthony Zaccaria (1502-1539)

Saint of the Day – July 5 St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria

uCatholic – Saint Anthony Zaccaria

Wikipedia – Anthony Zaccaria

Video Link

St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria  – YouTube (Cradio)

St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria – YouTube (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – USA)