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March 28

St Stephen Harding - March 28

Saint Stephen Harding
Abbott, Founder of the Cistercian Order
(Around 1050 – 1134)

I assure you that I go to God in fear and trembling. If my baseness should be found to have ever done any good, even in this I fear, lest I should not have preserved that grace with the humility and care I ought.”

Saint Stephen Harding


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Saint’s Life Story

His Early Life

Stephen, the son of an English noble, was born at Sherborne in Dorsetshire, England around 1060. He received his early education in the monastery of Sherborne. Afterwards Stephen studied humanities, philosophy and theology in Paris and Rome. On the way home from his travels, he stopped at the Molesmes Abbey. Stephen was so impressed that he decided to stay. He joined the hermits who were under Abbot, Saint Robert of Molesme, and Prior Saint Alberic.

Cîteaux Abbey’s Founder, Prior, and Abbot

In 1094, Stephen, along with four other monks, the abbot and prior, requested permission to leave Molesmes to find a more spiritual way of life. They received permission from Archbishop Hugh of Lyons who was the papal delegate to France. They founded the Cîteaux Abbey with twenty monks and Saint Robert as their abbot. Together, they were instrumental in initiating the Cistercian reform.

In 1099, when Saint Robert was recalled to Molesme, Stephen became prior of Cîteaux under Saint Alberic, the new abbot. Then, in 1110, when Saint Alberic died, Stephen, who was absent from the monastery at the time, was elected abbot. Stephen took on this position with a reformer’s zeal and demonstrated his administrative skills. Since the monastery received very few novices, Stephen began to have doubts that the new institution was pleasing to God, but prayed to God for enlightenment.

Just when this small community seemed doomed to die out, in 1112, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux with thirty companions joined the community. This proved the beginning of extraordinary prosperity. The next year Stephen founded his first colony at La Ferté, and before is death he had established 12 more monasteries. In 1115, Stephen built the abbey of Clairvaux, and installed Saint Bernard of Clairvaux as its Abbot. Stephen was not only responsible for the establishment of Cistercian houses but also played a crucial role in the creation of the Cistercian nuns.

His powers as an organizer were exceptional. Stephen instituted the system of general chapters and regular visitations and, to ensure uniformity in all his foundations, drew up the famous Carta Caritatis or “Charter of Charity”. It was a six page constitution which laid out the relationship between the Cistercian houses and their abbots, set out the obligations and duties inherent in these, and ensured the accountability of all the abbots and houses to the underlying themes of charity and living according to the rule of Benedict. In 1119, this charter was approved by Pope Callistus II.

Stephen’s reform efforts extended to various aspects of monastic life, emphasizing simplicity in liturgical rites, church decor, monastic dress, and the overall lifestyle within the Order. He dedicated his life to the pursuit of holiness and the betterment of the Cistercian Order.

His Death

In 1133, Stephen, being now old, infirm, and almost blind, resigned the post of abbot. Stephen passed away on March 28, 1134 at Cîteaux Abbey in Saint-Nicolas-lès-Cîteaux, France. Stephen was buried within the grounds of the at Cîteaux Abbey.

His feast was celebrated on March 28 until 1683 and then moved to April 17, where it remained until the liturgical reforms following the Second Vatican Council, when it was moved back to March 28.

Born:                   Around 1050 in Sherbourne, Dorset, England

Died:                   March 28, 1134 in Citeaux Abbey in Saint-Nicolas-lès-Cîteaux, France

Beatified:           Not Known

Canonized:        1623 by Pope Urban VIII

Feast Day:         March 28, formerly April 17

Patron Saint:    Cîteaux Abbey; Sherborne, Dorset, England



Saint Stephen Harding became prior and then abbot of the Citeaux Abbey, in the Abbey he helped found while beginning the Cistercian reform. Even for a Saint, life is not perfect and requires prayer for help. With very little money coming in and strict regulations discouraging any new novices, keeping the monastery open appeared hopeless. Monks even left the monastery. And then sickness struck. More than half of the community died. Then, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and a group of about thirty men on horseback arrived at the monastery and requested admission. From that day forward the community flourished and Saint Stephen Harding went on to establish 13 monasteries.

Although you may not be a saint (yet), what hopeless cause stands in front of you today that God may answer through your prayers like he did for Saint Stephen Harding and his Cistercian Order?


Saint Stephen Harding,

You were a faithful abbot and a co-founder of the Cistercian Order, seeking to renew the monastic spirit, returning to a life of simplicity, austerity, and communal living.

Teach us to value simplicity and to detach from worldly distractions so that we may focus our hearts on God and live in true Christian community.

You nurtured the spiritual lives of your fellow monks, encouraging them to strive for greater holiness and deeper union with God.

Guide us in our spiritual journey, helping us to grow in virtue, deepen our faith, and draw closer to God.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Saint Stephen Harding, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – Saint of the Day: St. Stephen Harding Aleteia – Saint of the Day: St. Stephen Harding

AnaStPaul – Saint of the Day – 28 March – St Stephen Harding O.Cist (c 1050-1134)

Angelus – Saint of the day: Stephen Harding

America Needs Fatima – Saint Stephen Harding

Catholic Exchange – St. Stephen Harding

Catholic Ireland – Mar 28 – St Stephen Harding (d. 1134)

Catholic News Agency – St. Stephen Harding Feast day: Apr 17

Catholic Online – St. Stephen Harding

CatholicSaints.Info – Book of Saints – Stephen – 17 April – by Monks of Ramsgate

Dynamic Catholic – Saint Stephen Harding

Independent Catholic News – St Stephen Harding

National Catholic Reporter – On this day: St. Stephen Harding

New Advent – Huddleston, G. (1912). St. Stephen Harding. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

RC Spirituality (Uncle Eddy) – St Stephen Harding

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St. Stephen Harding – Abbot of Citeaux, Co-Founder of the Cisterian Order

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Stephen Harding (d.1134)

Video Link

Saint Stephen Harding – April 17th – YouTube (Saint of the Day)