Find The Saint Image


Do you know all the Saints? I don’t. I also didn’t know there are over 10,000 saints!

My name is Peter Vendituoli. Although I have been raised and lived all my life as a Catholic, I found that I had settled into a routine just going to Mass. After reading Matthew Kelly’s book Rediscover Catholicism, his section on the Saints really hit home for me. I also realized that an absent part of my faith was to evangelize, but I was not sure how I could do that.

So, to grow my Catholic faith further, I decided to learn about the Saints. I am learning that each Saint has a unique story.  Many did not start off perfect – just like our lives.  However, each Saint’s life story provides us something unique to imitate as they all persevered to do great things for God in their lives.

I figured maybe by people learning about these Saints, others could “Be Inspired To Do Good” – my motto. The Saints’ stories have inspired me as I am now a volunteer at the Corpus Christi Food Pantry in Nashua, New Hampshire for the past 5 years.

As Pope Francis stated:

Saints are not “Superman” who are born perfect, but rather are ordinary people who followed God with all their heart.”

As a teacher at Rivier University (named after Saint Marie Rivier) in Nashua, New Hampshire , my students learn more when they are engaged in a fun activity. So, I created the FINDTHESAINT puzzles. These puzzles are similar to a traditional word search puzzle, except the extra remaining letters spell out the saint’s name. Each puzzle is created by hand after researching 75-100 words related to each Saint.

I hope that the FINDTHESAINT puzzle’s 30-40 words or phrases spark an interest in each Saint. A link is provided for you to go to learn more about the Saint’s life, a reflection on the Saint, a quote from the Saint and prayer for the Saint’s intercession plus some additional information and YouTube video links.

These puzzles are my attempt at evangelizing in a fun way since learning about and praying for one Saint’s intercession can change your life.

Please sign up to receive a weekly Saints Reflection email that includes a free FINDTHESAINT Puzzle (a sample is shown to right). Please email me at for any ways for me to improve this website and/or my FINDTHESAINT puzzles.

FINDTHESAINT Word Search Puzzle 242
FINDTHESAINT Word Search Saints Worldwide Book Cover

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