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December 2

St Bibiana - December 2

Saint Bibiana
Virgin, Martyr
(4th Century – 361)

“It is better to lose the temporal goods, which we cannot possess long, than the eternal.”

Saint Bibiana

Her Life

Bibiana, also known as Viviana, Vivian, or Vibiana, was born in the 4th century in Rome, Italy. She was the daughter of Saint Flavian of Acquapendente and Dafrosa of Acquapendente. Flavian, her Christian father, was apprehended during the reign of Julian the Apostate, branded on the face as a slave, and banished to Toscany, where he died of his wounds a few days later. Her mother, Dafrosa, was confined to her house for some time and later carried outside the gates of Rome and beheaded.

Following the death of her parents, Bibiana and her sister Demetria were stripped of all they had in the world, in the hope that poverty would cause them to abandon their faith. Then, they were imprisoned with orders to give them no food. The Roman praetorian offered them rewards if they would abandon their faith. He also threatened them a cruel death if they would not conform. But, both Bibiana and Demetria cheerfully responded: “It is better to lose the temporal goods, which we cannot possess long, than the eternal.”. They stated that they would endure a thousand deaths rather than betray their faith and their Saviour.

Her Martyrdom

The officer gave orders that Bibiana be placed in the custody of a woman named Rufina, who was commanded to corrupt her or mistreat her. But, Bibiana made prayer her shield and remained invincible. However, Rufina attempted to force the sisters into prostitution. Bibiana courageously refused to comply with this request, even in the face of great pressure and hardship. Due to her unwavering resistance, Bibiana was imprisoned in a madhouse. This cruel confinement was followed by her being subjected to brutal flogging. Enraged at the courage and perseverance of the young virgin, the persecutor ordered her to be tied to a pillar and whipped until she expired, with scourges tipped with leaden plummets. Cheerfully, she underwent this final punishment. Around 361, Bibiana died at the hands of the executioners.

It is said that her body was left to the dogs, yet they refused to touch it. Two days later, Bibiana was buried in the Pretestato Catacombs in Rome, Italy. A church was built over her grave, in the garden of which grew an herb that cured headache and epilepsy. This and her time spent with the mentally ill led to her areas of patronage.

Born :                    Unknown date in 4th Century in Rome, Italy

Died:                     Around 361 most likely in Rome, Italy where she was buried

Beatified:             Pre-Congregation

Canonized:          Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:            December 2

Patron Saint:      Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California; Against Epilepsy; Against Hangovers; Against Headaches; Against Insanity; Against Mental Illness; Bibiana, Italy; Epileptics; Mentally Ill People; Single Laywomen; Torture Victims



Saint Bibiana remained steadfast in her Christian faith despite facing persecution under the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate. She refused to renounce her faith even in the face of torture and death. Her example challenges us to stand firm in our own faith, even when it is difficult or dangerous to do so.

While you may not face torture or death living out your faith, how can you stand firm in your faith today when faced with a difficult situation when someone opposes your Christian values and beliefs?


Saint Bibiana,

You who endured suffering and martyrdom for your love of Christ, pray for us that we may be inspired by your example of faithfulness and resilience.

Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, even when we face difficulties and challenges.

Grant us the courage and strength to bear witness to Christ and to follow His teachings of love and forgiveness.

May your intercession bring us comfort and hope and lead us closer to God’s eternal kingdom.

Saint Bibiana, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – Saint of the Day: St. Bibiana

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 2 December – St Bibiana (Died c 361)

Bartleby – Rev. Alban Butler. Volume XII: December. The Lives of the Saints. 1866. December 2 St. Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr

Catholic Culture – St. Bibiana

Catholic Exchange – St. Bibiana

Catholic Fire – St. Bibiana (Vivian), Virgin and Martyr

Catholic Lane – St. Bibiana, Virgin, Martyr

Catholic News Agency – St. Bibiana Feast day: Dec 02

Catholic News World – Saint December 2 : St. Bibiana or Vivian the Patron Saint of Hangovers, Headaches, Mental illness, Torture Victims – With Prayer

Catholic Online – St. Bibiana

CatholicSaints.Info – Book of Saints – Bibiana by Monks of Ramsgate

Christian Apostles – St. Bibiana: Martyr and Patron Saint of Headaches

Daily Prayers – Bibiana, Viviana or Vivian

Find a Grave – Saint Vibiana

Independent Catholic News – St Viviana

New Advent – Kirsch, J.P. (1907). St. Bibiana. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Newman Ministry – Saint Bibiana

Saints, Feast, Family – Saint Bibiana’s Story

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Bibiana (d.361)

Saint of the Day – December 2 Saint Bibiana

Sanctoral – Saint Bibiana Virgin and Martyr († 363)

The Daily Mass – St. Bibiana

uCatholic – Saint Bibiana

Video Link

St. Bibiana (2 December) – YouTube (Sensus Fidelium)