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October 9

St Denis of Paris - October 9

Saint Denis of Paris
Bishop, Martyr
(3rd Century – Around 258)

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Saint Denis of Paris

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His Early Years

Denis was born in Italy in the 3rd Century. However, nothing is definitely known of the time or place, or of his early life. While still very young, Denis was distinguished for his virtuous life, knowledge of sacred things, and firm faith.

Missionary and Bishop

While still very young, Denis was distinguished for his virtuous life, knowledge of sacred things, and firm faith. These facts are proven by Pope Fabian decision to send Denis with six other Missionary Bishops to Gaul (France) on a difficult mission. There, Denis was appointed first Bishop of Paris (Lutetia).

The persecutions under Emperor Decius had all but dissolved the small Christian community at Lutetia (Paris). Denis, with his inseparable companions Rusticus and Eleutherius, settled on the Île de la Cité in the River Seine. On the island in the Seine River, Denis built a church and provided for a regular Divine services. His fearless and indefatigable preaching of the Gospel led to countless conversions. This aroused the envy, anger and hatred of the heathen priests.


Denis and his companions were so effective in converting people that the pagan priests became alarmed over their loss of followers. At their instigation, the Roman Governor arrested the Missionaries.

His Martyrdom

They had a long imprisonment and many tortures that included being scourged, imprisoned, racked, thrown to wild beasts and burnt at the stake. Finally, Denis, the priest Rusticus and the deacon Eleutherius were executed by beheading on the highest hill in Paris (now Montmartre or “mount of martyrs”) around 258.

After he was decapitated, Denis picked his head up and walked several miles from the summit of the hill, preaching a sermon on repentance the entire way, making him the most renowned cephalophores in hagiology. Of the many accounts of this Martyrdom, this is noted in detail in the Golden Legend and in Butler’s Lives Of The Saints.

Denis’ corpse was thrown in the River Seine. The bodies of the three holy martyrs were recovered and received an honorable burial through the efforts of a pious matron named Catulla and a small shrine was erected over their graves. The site where he stopped preaching and actually died was marked by a small shrine that developed into the Saint Denis Cathedral Basilic.

Saint Denis is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers who were invoked particularly in the Middle Ages against the Black Plague. Saint Denis is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and praying him is believed … to cure headaches!

His symbols include: a beheaded bishop carrying his head — sometimes a vine growing over his neck; mitered head in his hand or on book; white chasuble; tree or stake; sword; Our Lord with chalice and host.

Born :                   3rd Century (Exact Date Unknown) in Italy

Died:                    Around 258 in Paris, France

Beatified:            Pre-Congregation

Canonized:         Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:          October 9

Patron Saint:     Against Frenzy; Against Headaches; Against Hydrophobia; Against Rabies; Against Strife; Archdiocese of Paris, France; France; Paris, France; Possessed People



Saint Denis, your life stands as a testament to unwavering faith and the triumph of spiritual conviction over earthly fear. As the first Bishop of Paris, your mission to share the message of Christ echoes through the centuries, inspiring countless souls to embrace the transformative power of God’s love. Your story is one of profound courage. In the face of persecution, you chose to remain steadfast in your commitment to Christ, undeterred by the threats to your own life. Your legacy is a testament to the resilience of those who stand firm in their faith.

How can you inspire others you encounter today by your actions to embrace the transformative power of God’s love?



Saint Denis of Paris,

You who were a valiant defender of the Christian faith, your unwavering devotion to Christ inspires us to stand firm in our beliefs.

In the face of trials and tribulations, may we remain steadfast, bearing witness to the power of God’s love.

Intercede for us before the throne of God, that we may be strengthened in our faith, courageous in our witness, and unwavering in our love for Christ.

Pray for us, that we may, like you, live our lives in service to God and be willing to give all for the sake of His Kingdom.

Saint Denis of Paris, pray for us. Amen.


Saint Links 

Aleteia – The Top 5 Craziest Saints You’ve Never Heard Of

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Denis and Companions

Bartleby – Rev. Alban Butler Volume X: October. The Lives of the Saints. 1866. October 9 St. Dionysius, Bishop of Paris, and His Companions, Martyrs

Catholic Culture – St. Denis

Catholic Ireland – Oct 9 – St Denis, bishop, and companions, martyrs (died about 258)

Catholic News Agency – St. Denis Feast day: Oct 09

Catholic Online – Sts. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius

CatholicSaints.Info – Saints of the Day – Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius by Katherine I Rabenstein

Daily Prayers – Denis of Paris & Companions

Discover Walks – 8 facts about Saint Denis of Paris

Executed Today – Feast Day of Saint Denis, cephalophore

Franciscan Media – Saint Denis and Companions

Gaudium Press – The Story of Saint Denis, Bishop and Martyr

Loyola Press – Saint Denis Feast day October 9

My Catholic Life – October 9: Saint Denis, Bishop and Companions, Martyrs

New Advent – Stiglmayr, J. (1908). St. Denis. In The Catholic Encyclopedia

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – Ss Dionysius, or Denis, Bishop of Paris, Rusticus and Eleutherius, Martyrs

Saint for a Minute – Saint Denis of Paris

The Daily Mass – Sts. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius

uCatholic – Saint Denis

Video Link

St. Denis – YouTube (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – USA)