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June 7

St Anthony Mary Gianelli - June 7

Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli
Bishop, Founder

“Time is short. While we have it, let us do good.”

Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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His Early Years

Antonio (Anthony) Maria Gianelli was born on April 12, 1789 – on Easter Sunday – to Giacomo and Maria Gianelli in Cerreto, Italy. Anthony had five brother who all grew up in a poor, pious family in a small farming village. His mother taught catechism, and his father was known as a generous peace-maker in the town.

Anthony was such a promising student that the owner of his family farm, Mrs. Nicoletta Assereto Rebisso, paid for his seminary education. He commenced those studies in November 1807 in Genoa where he began his studies in dogmatics and liturgical practice and earned his doctorate.

Subdeacon and Ordained

Anthony was made a subdeacon in September 1811. He was granted the rather unusual privilege of being allowed to preach while still a subdeacon due to his exceptional eloquence being a well-noted fact. At the age of 23, Anthony was ordained to the priesthood in 1812 in Genoa, Italy. Anthony had to receive special dispensation since he was not at the canonical age required for ordination.

Parish Priest and Professor

Anthony celebrated his first Mass in Cerreta. He served as a parish priest in Mantua after he was ordained. Later in 1812, Anthony taught at Carcare in Savona, Italy. In February 1813, Anthony was made the vice-parish priest of the San Matteo church in Genoa.

From September 1815 until 1817, Anthpny served as a professor at the college of the Padri Scolopi in Carcare before becoming a professor of rhetoric in November 1816 in Genoa. He remained there until 1822.

Archpriest and Founder

In June 1826, Anthony was made the archpriest of the church of Saint John the Baptist in Chiavari, Genoa, Italy. This position he held until 1837. From November 1826 in Chiavari, Anthony taught theological subjects as well as Latin and Greek.

Anthony was the founder of the Missionaries of Saint Alphonsus in 1827 for men and that order lasted from that point to 1856. He also was the founder of the Oblates of Saint Alphonsus lasted from its founding in 1828 until 1848 when it had to be dissolved. In 1829 being very sensitive to the needs of people and inflamed with charity, Anthony founded his third order, Figlie di Nostra Signora del Giardino (the Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden), a women‘s teaching order that also worked with the sick, and which continues its work today in Europe, the United States, and Asia.

Bishop of Bobbio

In 1837, Pope Gregory XVI appointed Anthony as the Bishop of Bobbio, Italy. In October of 1838, Anthony founded the “Oblates of St. Alfonso Liguori” with the precise scope of running and teaching in the Seminaries. He organized the Society of Saint Raphael and Society of Saint Dorothea to instruct the faithful in his diocese. Anthony also restored devotion to Saint Columbanus in his diocese.

Convinced that renewal must come from within, Anthony planned to reform the members of the episcopacy. He insisted on daily Mass, meditation, frequency of the Sacraments, and participation in an annual retreat that he prepared and preached. Anthony guided the Sisters personally, constantly instructed the seminarians, preached missions, visited all of his parishes three times, conducted two synods and performed countless works of charity for the poor.

His Death

His boundless energy, however, started to deteriorate. At the end of April 1845, Anthony suffered an acute attack of gastric fever, which was wrongly diagnosed and treated. His lungs became seriously ill. By the spring of 1846, he was so weak that he could no longer celebrate Mass. His doctors advised him to move to a more agreeable climate. Anthony went to Piacenza, Italy where his health worsened.

On June 7, 1846, Anthony died in Piacenza, Italy away from his Diocese of Bobbio. His remains were returned to Bobbio two days later where they were honorably buried alongside the other bishops.

Born :                   April 12, 1789 in Cerreto, Italy

Died:                    June 7, 1846 in Piacenza, Italy

Beatified:            April 19, 1925 by Pope Pius XI

Canonized:         October 21, 1951 by Pope Pius XII

Feast Day:          June 7

Patron Saint:     Bobbio, Italy; Sisters of Our Lady of the Garden



Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli’s life was characterized by a deep compassion for the poor and marginalized. He tirelessly worked to alleviate the suffering of those in need, reaching out to the sick, the abandoned, and the forgotten. His dedication to serving the less fortunate reflects the essence of Christ’s teachings, reminding us all of the profound impact that love in action can have on the world.

How can you serve the poor, sick, the abandoned and forgotten people alleviating their suffering today to be a reflection of Christ’s teachings?


Saint Anthony Mary,

You who founded the Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden, pray for us that we may be inspired by your commitment to education and the care of the sick.

May we, like you, find joy in serving those in need and be instruments of God’s love and mercy in the world.

Intercede for us, that we may have the courage to follow God’s call, no matter where it may lead us.

Teach us to trust in God’s providence and to seek His will in all things.

Pray for those who are working in the fields of education, healthcare, and charity, that they may be strengthened in their mission, and filled with the grace to carry out their work with love and dedication.

Through your prayers, may we grow in holiness and one day share in the joy of eternal life with you and all the saints in heaven.

We ask this through Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 7 June – St Anthony Mary Gianelli (1789-1846)

Angelus – Saint of the day: Anthony Mary Gianelli

America Needs Fatima – Saint Anthony Gianelli

Catholic News Agency – St. Anthony Mary Gianelli Feast day: Jun 07

Catholic Online – St. Anthony Mary Gianelli

CatholicSaints.Info – The Holiness of the Church in the Nineteenth Century – Venerable Anthony Gianelli

Daily Compass – Saint Anthony Maria Gianelli

Gaudium Press – Phrases and Prayers to Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli

Good News Ministries – June 7 – Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Antony Gianelli, Bishop of Bobbio,Founder of the Missioners of St Alphonsus and the Sisters of St Mary Dell’Orto

Saint for a Minute – Saint Anthony Mary Gianelli

Video Link

St. Anthony Maria Gianelli: Bishop of the People – YouTube (Awaken The Saint)