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July 11

St Benedict of Nursia - July 11

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Abbot, Founder

(480 – 587)

Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace.

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Coming November 1, 2024 on Amazon

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Saint’s Life Story

Early Life Leaving Rome

Benedict and his twin sister Saint Scholastica were born into a Christian noble family in Nursia (modern day Norcia), Umbria, Italy around 480. Benedict went to Rome for his studies. He grew weary of life in Rome, having found his companions’ lives dissolute and immoral, and his teachers unchristian and corrupt. This led Benedict to abandon his studies in Rome to pursue a spiritual life. Benedict left the city with his faithful family nurse Cirilla accompanying him as far as Enfide (modern Affile).

Life as a Hermit

Benedict spent time living as a hermit, in spiritual isolation in a cave later identified as the Sacro Speco at Subiaco. For three years, he remained there in the care of a monk named Romanus. The monks of a nearby monastery at Vicovaro asked Benedict, who was by then a well-known holy man, to become their new abbot.

Attempts on His Life

His insistence on proper monastic discipline, however, brought him into conflict with the community who attempted to poison him.  Benedict miraculously escaped harm and returned to his cave. Pope Saint Gregory the Great wrote about Benedict in Second Book of Dialogues, 38 chapters about Benedict’s life and miracles.  In this book, St Gregory recounts the tale of Benedict’s rescue; when Benedict blessed the pitcher of poisoned wine, it broke into many pieces. Thereafter, he left the undisciplined monks and established twelve monasteries with twelve monks each in the area south of Rome near Subiaco. In the 13th monastery, he resided as abbot.

The Rule

Around the year 529, Benedict left Subiaco with his most devoted disciples for Monte Cassino.  Benedict destroyed the pagan temple dedicated to Apollo and built his premier monastery in the ancient pagan acropolis on the hill overlooking the town. Here, Benedict wrote the supremely influential Rule for the monastery of Monte Cassino though he envisioned that it could be used elsewhere. The Rule is the sole known example of Benedict’s writing, but it manifests his genius to crystallize the best of the monastic tradition and to pass it on to the European West. At one point there were over 40,000 monasteries guided by the Benedictine Rule where a summation of the Rule is: “Pray and work.”

Benedict served as the new monastery’s first abbot until his death on a March 21, traditionally thought to have been in 547, in Monte Cassino, Italy. He is buried beneath the high altar there in the same tomb as Saint Scholastica.

Born:                  Around 480 in Nursia (modern day Norcia), Umbria, Italy

Died:                  March 21, 547 in Monte Cassino, Italy

Beatified:           Unknown

Canonized:        1220 by Pope Honorius III

Feast Day:         July 11 (since 1969), March 21 (Benedictines), March 14 (Byzantine Rite), December 4 (France)

Patron Saint:    Against Poison; Architects; Benedictines; Europe



St. Benedict of Nursia’s life was marked by a deep desire for holiness and a commitment to living a life centered on God.  The Rule of St. Benedict, written in the early 6th century, is a masterpiece of spiritual wisdom and practical guidance. It outlines a way of life that balances prayer, work, and study, emphasizing the importance of humility, obedience, and community. The Rule is marked by its moderation and flexibility, making it adaptable to different contexts and cultures. Central to The Rule is the motto “Ora et Labora” (Pray and Work), which encapsulates Saint Benedict’s vision of a balanced life where prayer and labor are integrated into a rhythm that sanctifies daily life.

Can you offer up all aspects of your life today – whether prayer, work, or rest –  to God so all of your daily life’s tasks can lead you closer to Him?


Saint Benedict of Nursia,

Father of Western monasticism who devoted your life to seeking God with a pure heart and who taught others to follow the path of prayer, work, and community,

Grant us the grace to embrace your Rule in our own lives and to seek God in prayer and work while serving others with humility and love.

Pray for us that we may find peace in our hearts and homes and that we may contribute to the building of a more just and loving world.

Help us to live with integrity, humility, and charity, following your example in all that we do.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

Saint Benedict of Nursia, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

Aleteia – The role of hospitality in the Bible

All Saints & Martyrs – Saint Benedict of Nursia – Abbot

AnaStpaul – Saint of the Day – 11 July – St Benedict of Nursia OSB (c 480-547) Patron of Europe and Founder of Western Monasticism

Catholic Culture – Saint Benedict

Catholic Exchange – St. Benedict: Luminous Star of History

Catholic Ireland – St Benedict (480-547), abbot, Patron of Europe

Catholic News Agency – St. Benedict Feast Day: Jul 11

Franciscan Media – Beer, Pizza, and Saint Benedict

My Catholic Life – Saint Benedict

New Advent – Ford, H. (1907). St. Benedict of Nursia. In The Catholic Encyclopedia.

Rev Alban Butler’s Lives Of The Saints Complete Edition – St Benedict, Abbot, Patriarch of Western Monks

Saint Mary’s Press – Saint Benedict of Nursia (c.480-547)

Saint of the Day – July 11 St. Benedict of Nursia

uCatholic – The Basilica of Saint Benedict Has Been Destroyed By An Earthquake

Video Link

St. Benedict – YouTube (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – USA)