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October 8

Saint Ywi of Lindisfarne in Lindisfarne,England

Saint Ywi of Lindisfarne

Monk, Hermit

(7th Century – Around 690)

No Quotes Available from Saint Ywi of Lindisfarne

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Saint’s Life Story

Little Known of his Youth

Ywi, who is also known as Iwi, Iwig, or Iwigius was born in the 7th century in Northumbria, England. Little is known of Ywi’s youth. He was ordained as a deacon by Saint Cuthbert at Lindisfarne, England. 

Sailed Away to Destination Unknown

Following the Irish ideal of an “exile for Christ”, he sailed on ship without bothering to ask its destination, planning to evangelize where it landed. It turned out that he landed in Brittany, France. He lived there as a hermit. Ywi was known for providing a ministry of miraculous healings. He died in Brittany, France around 690.

His Relics

In the 10th century, his relics were translated by a group of wandering Breton clerics to Wilton, near Salisbury, England. There the solemn procession was met by Abbess Wulftrudis. The relics were laid on Saint Edith’s altar while they ate before continuing the procession. Unfortunately, they found that the relics were immovable, so the abbess gave the clerics 2,000 solidi and they left the relics behind.

St Ywi’s feast is kept at Winchester, Wilton, Worcester, and elsewhere in southwestern England. 

Born:                  7th century in Northumbria, England

Died:                  Around 690 in in Brittany, France

Beatified:           Pre-Congregation

Canonized:        Pre-Congregation

Feast Day:         October 8

Patron Saint:



Imagine taking a ship and not knowing where it is sailing to. Saint Ywi trusted in God to support him in his ministry wherever he landed. Unlike Saint Ywi, you usually know where you are going to go each day.

Do you trust God to support you in propagating your Catholic faith wherever you will be going today?


Saint Ywi of Lindisfarne,

You jumped on a boat with no regard to its final destination. 

May you intercede for us as we jump on board life’s journey wherever it takes us and trust that God will provide the grace, wisdom and strength for our life’s travels to be a model of Christ on Earth.

Saint Ywi of Lindisfarne, pray for us. Amen.

Saint Links 

A Century of English Sanctity – Saint Iwi, Hierodeacon of Lindisfarne

Catholic Online – St. Ywi of Lindisfarne

CatholicSaints.Info – Saint Iwi

Celtic and Old English Saints – St. Ywi of Lindisfarne, Hermit

CityDesert – Saint Ywi, Hermit of Lindisfarne

Holy Hierarch Aidan of Lindisfarne, Apostle of Northumbria and Wonderworker

Saint for a Minute – Saint Iwi

Vela de Jersulan – St. Ywi

Wikipedia –  Iwig

Video Link

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