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Who is Saint #165?

HOW TO PLAY: All the words listed below are facts about the saint.
Each word may be vertically, horizontally, diagonally or even backwards.
Find and circle each word or set of words.
The leftover letters spell out the SAINT starting from the top go down left to right.

Saint #165 Facts

Born: Around 500 in Scotland
Died: Around 570 (Feast Day – Jan 29) in Houat, Brittany (France)
Patron Saint: Bell Founders; Welsh Historians
Beatified: Pre-Congregation
Canonized: Pre-Congregation

Saint #165 Puzzle                                                    Solution: 13 Letters

Note: If you are using a phone, you may need to scroll down on the list of words on the right hand side to see all of the words to finish the puzzle.

Saint #165 Quote

“Walk in the love of God, and be always mindful of His words. But love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. For the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but love ye the Lord Jesus Christ and His words with all your hearts.”








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